Page 24 - Bonhams Olivier Collection Early Chinese Art November 2018
P. 24

Another  consideration is  the  decoration. The  gu  (Lot  18) is  the book ‘Shang Zhou qingtongqi mingwen jituxiang jicheng’
           covered with a plantain-leaf pattern on the neck, a serpentine  (Inscriptions of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties) . Among the
           pattern at the central section, and a beast-pattern on the foot,  bronzes of the late Shang Dynasty in this  book, three  ding
           all against a cloud-pattern ground. This type of decoration can  have the ‘   ’  Yue clan mark (nos. 00124, 00126, 00850)
           be said to be “three layers fully decorated” and magnificent.  one jue (06597), one gu (09074), another gu (09607), and a
           The protruding pattern adds a sense of depth. The abdomen  he (14632); all heavy and important objects with elaborate
           and the foot are decorated with four ridges, making the object  decoration. Even until the Western Zhou dynasty, the artefacts
           look sturdier and straight.                       of this clan are still of good quality, such as the early Western
                                                             Zhou  you (13175), and the mid-Western Zhou  zun (11180).
           The decoration of the double dragon gui (Lot 23) is also very  According to the age of these bronzes, it is known that this
           attractive. The double dragons under the mouth are vivid.  family flourished in the late Shang dynasty and continued into
           Starting from the tails on both sides, the body gradually widens  the middle of the Western Zhou dynasty. It was a family with
           and becomes thicker. It is almost as if the dragon’s undulating  a certain influence. Obviously, the Ollivier gu is a masterpiece,
           body is vividly welcoming us. Olivier’s fanghu (Lot 12) is also  representing the family’s peak period, which provides valuable
           a rarely seen treasure. This vessel has three points that are  information for the research of the family.
           eye-catching. Firstly, the abdomen is decorated with a cross-
           strap design, and is ridged, so that the commonly rounded  The cicada emblem on the jiao (Lot 25) is also very special. The
           abdomen appears firmer. The second is the pair of crawling  pictogram of a cicada is on the side of the jiao, beneath the
           animal handles flanking the neck, clambering up on four feet  handle. Cicada patterns are common decoration on archaic
           with curling tail, bending neck, head down, seemingly looking  bronzes, particularly in the late Shang and early Western Zhou.
           for something, looks charming. The third is the four buffaloes  Most cicada patterns are arranged in groups although they
           under the foot. Although their portrayal is simple with round  sometimes appear alone. Although the cicada on the jiao is
           eyes and wide snouts. This fanghu is indeed more impressive  very pictographic, according to the general rule, this part of
           than the one unearthed from the Jinsheng tomb.    the vessel is where the inscription should appear, so it should
                                                             be considered as a text rather than an image. Among the
           Finally, there is the value of the inscriptions. One of the  inscriptions on the bronzes of the Shang and Zhou dynasties,
           significant differences between ancient Chinese bronze wares  there is a part of the text that does not differ from the image.
           and Western bronze wares of the same period is that the  For example, the ‘deer’ ding and ‘ox’ ding, unearthed from the
           former have more inscriptions, and these inscriptions are very  tomb No.1004, in Xibei Gang, Houjia Zhuang, Anyang, Henan
           important for judging the authenticity, age and value of the  Province in 1935, have cast images of deer and cattle on the
           bronze ware itself. Among the seven bronzes in the Ollivier  inner wall. Seeing the particular location where the inscription
           collection, there are three pieces with inscriptions particularly  is cast, scholars considered them to be an inscription rather
           worthy of attention, namely the gu (Lot 18), the jiao (Lot 25),  than an image. In addition to this, there are also pictograms of
           and the you (Lot 15). Although these bronze inscriptions are  birds, fish, scorpions, sheep, pigs, elephants, tigers, dragons,
           short, even just sometimes one or two characters, they are  and rabbits. To identify whether they are ornamentation or text,
           very meaningful.                                  it is necessary to see where they are located on the bronze. Of
                                                             course, the way and location of the castings like on the ‘deer’
           For example, inside the foot of the gu is an inscription ‘   父 ding and ‘ox’ ding are more common, but a second example
           庚’  Yue fu geng. The character  ‘Yue’ is the clan’s symbol  inscribed in the same way as Ollivier’s jiao has not been found
           (Lot 18) and indicates the family as the owners. According  yet, which makes this lot very rare.
           to Dr. He Jingcheng’s research, there are at least a dozen
           pieces of bronzes that belong to this family . The gu is quite  The inscription on the you (Lot 15) is a little longer with 17
           representative of this family. As mentioned previously, from the  characters:‘否弔獻彝,疾不已, 母宗彝則備,用譴母霝’
           volume of alcohol capacity and decoration of this piece, one  which may be translated as ‘Hereby Pi Shu offers this sacrificial
           can see the strength of this family. Other typical bronzes with  vessel.  When  mother  was  gravely  ill,  a  series  of  sacrificial
           the same clan mark and belonging to this family can be seen in  vessels have been prepared for her funeral.’

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