Page 103 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 103
fig. 1 Odes of Bin by Ma Hezhi (detail). Song Dynasty. Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
圖一 宋 馬和之 《豳風圖卷》(局部) 北京故宮博物院藏品
按「含味經籍」典出《後漢書》「郎顗、襄楷列傳」:「臣伏見光 inscription of the current seal correspond exactly to
祿大夫江夏黃瓊,耽道樂術,清亮自然,被褐懷寶,含味經籍。」 those recorded in the Qianlong Baosou, Jiaqing Baosou,
是郎顗在推薦國家治理人才時對黃瓊的評價之詞,認為黃瓊人品和 and Daoguang Baosou, and is undoubtedly a genuine
學識都很好,博覽群書,才德兼備,是少有的賢者,堪當重任。而 seal of the Qianlong Emperor.
An admirer of Han culture, the Qianlong Emperor
was a cultivated Confucian scholar well versed in
ancient texts. The inscriptions on his leisure seals
thus often came from such sources, with those
related to state policy and cultivation of ethics
borrowing from Confucian Classics such as the
Analects, Book of Poetry, Book of Documents, Book
of Changes, and Book of Rites; while others drew
初編、續編、三編和《秘殿珠林》收錄的作品中就有超過 65 件鈐 from sources such as past imperial adjudications or
蓋此方「含味經籍」璽,如果加上已知的沒有被《石渠寶笈》著錄 anecdotes. The Qianlong Emperor perceived his
的鈐有此璽的作品,數量相當可觀,表明此璽的使用頻率是相當高 leisure seals as an embodiment of his character, and
的。通過對以上作品鈐用狀況的分析,可以得知此璽的鈐蓋使用大 insisted that they be commissioned with a clear
致有隆:清高宗的藝術品味幾種情況。一是作為乾隆皇帝御筆書法 intent. He once said, “The inscriptions on the seals
和題記上的引首章使用。如北京故宮博物院藏宋代馬和之《豳風圖 of the son of Heaven need to be carefully selected
卷》中,在乾隆御筆「葦籥遺風」大字引首的起首部分即鈐此璽 in order to provide admonishment; those that are
(圖一),與後面的兩方壓腳章構成一組,此處的「含味經籍」璽 poetic in nature do not carry the same weight and
很明顯是作為御書作品上的引首章使用的。是為此璽用作御筆引首 are more like playthings.” He further cited a few
章之一例。二是作為御筆書法和題記上的壓腳章使用,或單獨或與 examples belonging to the first category such as:
其他小璽配合鈐用。如台北故宮博物院收藏的明代徐賁的《獅子林 the (To abstain in order to gain) seal of the Kangxi
Emperor, the (Be diligent in the morning and
vigilant at night) seal of the Yongzheng Emperor,
and his own (Be persistently conscientious) seal. 1
普遍。特別是乾隆的御筆書法小冊,往往在本幅和四周裱邊之間鈐 The Hanwei jingji seal serves a similar purpose
蓋各式小璽。而一些宮廷收藏的古代書畫名作,在乾隆時期宮廷重 of admonishment. The phrase is extracted from
新裝裱後,在各部分與隔水的接縫處,或者在畫心紙絹的接縫處, “Biographies of Langyi and Xiangkai” in Book of
多鈐蓋乾隆皇帝的小璽,此方「含味經籍」璽也往往在其中。如台 the Later Han, where it is used to describe the depth