Page 105 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 105
group seal with two other seals (fig. 2) ; as a cross-
page seal, see Eight Steeds by the Qing dynasty
painter Jia Quan in the National Palace Museum,
Taipei, where the Hanwei jingji seal was impressed
on the seam joining the end of the painting and
the colophon in Manchu (fig. 3) . The impression
of Hanwei jingji seal also appears on Qianlong
Emperor’s collection albums, including one
depicting a Ming-dynasty ge-type bowl and cover
from the ceramic albums Jingtao yungu (fig. 4), and
fig. 4 ‘A Ming-dynasty ge-type bowl and cover’, Jingtao yungu. Qianlong Period.
Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei another illustrating a Han-dynasty bell from the
圖四 清乾隆 《精陶韞古》 瓷器冊頁 第六開“明仿哥窯奩”頁 bronze albums Guanxiang zairong. The position
of the Hanwei jingji seal impression on collection
albums does not follow any strict pattern.
部潤度稍差,帶有石性的部分巧妙設計,雕刻出一隻獅子。獅身泛 The Hanwei jingji seal is made of Shoushan
白,但雕刻極精,體態豐腴,筋骨遒健,鬃毛細膩,與其他部分的 soapstone of unctuous texture. The carver worked
the rougher part of the stone into a lively lion of
white tone with finely incised manes and strong
limbs, serving as a strong contrast to the rest of
1. [ 清 ] 弘曆:《御製文三集》卷 8,「嘉靖玉印記」。 the stone. The inscription is precisely and deeply
2. 台北故宮博物院編:《十全乾隆:清高宗的藝術品味》頁 266-267。 carved. Both the carving of the finial and the
台北故宮博物院,2013 年。 inscription are of the highest quality.
3. 台北故宮博物院編:《品牌的故事:乾隆皇帝的文物收藏與包裝藝術》
1. Yuzhiwen sanji [Imperially composed literature vol. 3]
頁 183。台北故宮博物院,2017 年。 , juan 8, ‘Jiajing yuyin ji’
4. 台北故宮博物院編:《得佳趣:乾隆皇帝的陶瓷品味》頁 229、268。 2. The All Complete Qianlong: A Special Exhibition on the
Aesthetic Tastes of the Qing Emperor Gaozong, Taipei,
台北故宮博物院,2012 年。
2013, pp. 266-267
3. Story of A Brand Name: The Collection and Packaging
Aesthetics of Emperor Qianlong in the Eighteenth Century,
Taipei, 2017, p. 183
4. Obtaining Refined Enjoyment: The Qianlong Emperor’s
Taste in Ceramics, Taipei, 2012, pp. 229, 268