Page 104 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 104

fig. 2  ‘Jade Mirror Pool’ from Lion’s Grove Garden by Xu Ben. Ming Dynasty.
                          Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
                       圖二  明   徐賁   《獅子林圖》“玉鑒池”   國立故宮博物院藏品

                                                                             of knowledge possessed by a Grand
                                                                             Master named Huang Qiong. As
                                                                             a learned scholar well aware of
                                                                             its history, the Qianlong Emperor
                                                                             deliberately chose this phrase to
                                                                             be the seal inscription as a tool of
                                                                             admonishment to discipline himself
                                                                             from sluggishness.

                                                                             The Hanwei jingji seal belongs to a
                                                                             group of small seals commissioned
                                                                             by the Qianlong Emperor during
              fig. 3  Eight Steeds by Jia Quan (detail). Qing Dynasty. National Palace Museum, Taipei  the early part of his reign. These
                        圖三  清   賈全   《八駿圖》(局部)   國立故宮博物院藏品
                                                                             seals were made in a variety of
                                                                             forms and materials, although most
         北故宮博物院藏清代賈全繪《八駿圖》卷中,在繪畫本幅與後面的                           of them were carved from soapstone. The Hanwei
         滿文題跋之間的接縫處即鈐有此璽(圖三)。這種鈐蓋有騎縫小璽                           jingji seal was used frequently by the Qianlong
         的作品,通過小璽的鈐蓋將裝裱的各個部分連在一起,以後一旦重                           Emperor. More than 65 paintings and calligraphies
         裱或割裂,鈐蓋的小璽便被破壞,無法保持裝裱的完整。或許這種                           recorded in the Shiqu baoji series and Midian
         在裱邊或絹紙接縫處鈐蓋騎縫小璽的做法,更多的是出於保持乾隆                           zhulin bear the impression of the Hanwei jingji seal.
         宮廷原裝原裱的完整度和持久性而採取的措施。四是其他特殊的鈐                           The Hanwei jingji seal had three primary uses: as
         用。如台北故宮博物院所藏原存放於多寶格中的各種手繪瓷器、青                           a frontispiece seal before an imperial colophon,
         銅器的小冊頁,可以視為乾隆皇帝御藏的藏品圖錄。在這些冊頁上,                          as in the case of Odes of Bin by the Song-dynasty
         雖然沒有乾隆皇帝的御題,但在每一開上都鈐有乾隆帝的各式小                            painter Ma Hezhi in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
         璽,每開都不一樣,此方「含味經籍」璽亦在其中。如《精陶韞古》                          where it was used as a group seal with two corner
         瓷器冊頁第六開「明仿哥窯奩」頁上(圖四)、《觀象在鎔》青銅                           seals (fig. 1) ; as a corner seal used individually or
         器冊頁第八開「漢蟠夔鐸」頁上都鈐有此璽。這種情況一般是表明                           part of a group seal after an imperial colophon,
         皇帝御藏的性質,鈐用時可根據畫幅空餘之處相機鈐蓋,可左可右,                          see an album leaf painting titled ‘Jade Mirror Pool’
         可上可下,在位置上沒有固定的格式要求。                                     from the set  Lion’s Grove Garden by Ming-dynasty
                                                                 painter Xu Ben in the National Palace Museum,
         此方「含味經籍」璽材質為壽山石,整體質地溫潤。雕刻者利用上                           Taipei, where the Hanwei jingji seal was used as a

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