Page 146 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 146
WANLI PERIOD (1573-1619) 來源
S. Marchant & Son, 倫敦
The top of the canted rectangular cover is carved with a floral
cartouche enclosing a rooster and a hen amongst floral branches 此青玉蓋盒無論在形制及雕飾風格上均與晚明之青花、五彩瓷器及漆器
in a landscape, all reserved on a diaper ground. The curved sides 有異曲同工之妙,尤以倭角設計及蓋面的開光錦地花紋最為明顯。例子
of the cover and the box are decorated with lingzhi, encircled by 可參考本拍賣中一件嘉靖款戧金填漆雙龍戲珠紋筆筒,上飾類似菱形開
keyfret bands at the rims. The stone is of a celadon tone mottled 光錦地紋,見拍品 2909 號。亦可比較一件器形相近的萬曆款五彩長方
with black inclusions. 盒,盒蓋開光內飾雙龍紋,2008 年 5 月 27 日於香港佳士得拍賣,拍品
3 √ in. (9.8 cm.) long, box 1857 號。本玉盒蓋上雕刻雙雞圖案,比喻家庭共享天倫之樂,題材難得,
HK$120,000-180,000 US$16,000-23,000
S. Marchant & Son, London
The current box is unusually carved with the subject of a rooster and
a hen, a motif representing familial harmony and popularised on the
revered Chenghua doucai ‘chicken’ cups. The decorative scheme on
the box, with auspicious motifs enclosed within a shaped cartouche
against a diaper ground, can be found on contemporaneous works
made in various media, including blue and white and wucai porcelains,
as well as lacquerwares, such as a Jiajing-marked qiangjin and tianqi
lacquer brush pot decorated with dragons within cartouches against
a diaper ground, offered as lot 2909 in the current sale. Compare also
to a rectangular Wanli-marked wucai box of similar form to the current
lot, with a cover pierced and decorated with dragons enclosed within a
shaped panel, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 27 May 2008, lot 1857.