Page 156 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 156


         AN INSCRIBED DUAN INK STONE                       晚明   李夢陽、徐渭、王世貞銘端硯

         LATE MING DYNASTY                                 此方端硯有明代李夢陽、徐渭、王世貞三位文人銘,是一方難得並且富
         The top of the ink stone is carved with a circular recess as the   有內涵的硯台。李夢陽(1472-1529)與王世貞(1526-1590)分別是
         ink well and a leaf-shaped recess as a water pot, below a poetic   明代文壇前七子與後七子的首領人物,對當時的文風起了非常大的影
         inscription signed by Li Mengyang (1472-1529), and another   響。而徐渭(1521-1593)則是明中期著名的文學書畫家。
         poetic inscription signed by Xu Wei (1521-1593). One long side is   李夢陽銘於硯額右側,銘語雲:「世以眼貴而汝無,此人其瓦礫汝。」
         incised with a further inscription signed by Wang Shizhen (1526-
         1590).                                            銘文樸實,似與硯台對話。端石以有眼為貴,顯然這方端硯沒有石眼,
         8 2 in. (22.4 cm.) long                           不為人貴,李夢陽以怪罪的口語說它不長眼睛,難怪被人當作瓦礫看待,
                                                           雖然口氣指責言下卻露出愛憐之意。此銘著錄於《空同集》卷 60,輯入
         HK$380,000-450,000              US$50,000-58,000  《四庫全書》。
         The current Duan inkstone is inscribed with three inscriptions,   徐渭的銘文與李夢陽並題硯額,是一段韻語:「古人譜,有等倫,無鵒眼,
         respectively signed Li Mengyang (1472-1529), Xu Wei (1521-1593) and   尤所珍,矧(音“審”,此為況且的意思)茲下墨,得水一滴,如雨驟雲。
         Wang Shizhen (1526-1590). Li and Wang were both literary-renaissance
         leaders in their own right, and who wielded domineering influences   田水月。」「田水月」為徐渭之號。古人硯譜,排端硯等級,除坑口、
         during their respective lifetimes. Xu Wei (1521-1593), on the other   石質以外,有無「石眼」是一個重要的區分條件。但是此硯無「眼」,
         hand, was an impoverished literati painter who later gained widespread   卻讓徐渭倍加珍愛,因為此硯發墨,「得水一滴,如雨驟雲」。
         The Li Mengyang text to the upper right-hand corner of the inkstone is   而汝自如。墨動不足,汝靜有餘。為汝納汙(汙為污的異體字),汝既
         inscribed: ‘The world values the ‘eye’, but you have none; people therefore
         mistake you for a brick’. Duan inkstones with ‘eyes’ – circular inclusions   恬然,為汝去垢,汝亦無言,夫是以能永年。」王世貞先將墨與硯喻為
         in the stone that resemble animal eyes – are prized by collectors but   攻守雙方,而硯納汙恬然,為其去垢更無言,多好的品德啊,寵辱不驚,
         there are none on the current inkstone. The inscription was, therefore,   如此當然得以永年!名為讚美硯台,實則讚美人,不露痕跡,文筆高超。
         written as a reprimand using an outwardly accusatory tone to express   此銘著錄於《弇州山人四部稿》卷 103,是唯一一篇硯銘,應是他的得
         the author’s affection for the stone. This inscription is recorded in Li’s   意之作,後亦輯入《四庫全書》。
         anthology Kong Dong Ji (juan 60) and later recorded in the imperial
         encyclopedia, Siku Quanshu.
         Xu Wei’s inscription is adjacent to Li’s and is a rhymed stanza:
            In manuals of ancient times, gradings are codified;
            despite having no bird’s eye, it is cherished as one of a kind!
            It produces ink aplenty, from a mere drop of water, like heavy rain
            from clouds
         In ancient manuals inkstones were graded according to the mines
         from where they were extracted, the quality of the stone, as well as the
         presence of ‘eyes’. The current stone has no ‘eyes’ but it was cherished
         by Wu Wei for its ability to facilitate the formation of ink ‘like heavy rain
         from clouds’.
         Lastly, the inscription by Wang Shizhen is located on the left-hand side
         of the inkstone. The text is a philosophical musing: ‘The ink attacks you
         but you are as you are. The ink moves ineffectively, while you patiently lay
         still. It makes you dirty but you stay content; even when dirt is removed,
         you are still wordless. That’s how you can last forever’. Wang juxtaposed
         ink and inkstone as two opposing characters in a battlefield metaphor.
         The ink is content when attacked by dirt but without boasting even
         when the dirt is removed, thus it is ascribed with high moral qualities.
         It is ostensibly praising the inkstone but in fact alluding to the moral
         quality of a man. Clearly this composition was one of Wang’s favourite
         as it is the only inkstone inscription selected for his anthology Yanzhou
         Shanren Sibugao (juan 103). The inscription is also recorded in the Siku

                                                                           rubbing                 inscription
                                                                            拓片                       刻銘

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