Page 66 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 66
fig. 1 Sold at Christie’s New York, 23 June 1983, lot 136
圖一 紐約佳士得 1983 年 6 月 23 日 拍品 136 號
2833 Continued
It is highly probable that the current figure belongs to the group of 素三彩一般被認為最早見於成化時期,以澆黃釉、瓜皮綠釉及茄皮紫釉
seven figures of Daoist deities from the Morgan family collection, which 等三種低溫鉛釉為主,經高溫素燒後,再施低溫釉二次焙燒。
was sold after Louise C. Morgan’s death on the premises of the family
home ‘Salutation’ West Island, Glen Cove, New York, 29 May 1974, as 紐約蘇富比曾於 1974 年 5 月 29 日拍賣過一組七尊源自美國 Louise C.
lots 76, 77, 78, 124, 125, 126 and 127. The current lot appears to have 摩根舊藏的素三彩天官塑像,此拍品可能為當時的 76 號拍品。除此尊
been lot 76 within this group.
之外,該七尊有三尊又經拍賣,包括 Bernice Richard 舊藏兩尊,1993
Three other figures from this group have reappeared on auctions, two 年 12 月 2 日於紐約佳士得拍賣,拍品 276 號,及紐約蘇富比 2013 年 9
of which, from the Estate of Bernice Richard, were sold at Christie's
New York, 2 December 1993, lot 276 and the third sold at Sotheby’s 月 16 日拍賣一尊,拍品 49 號。另比較兩尊造型、尺寸與摩根舊藏七尊
New York, 17 September 2013, lot 49. Compare also to two further 相仿的造像,一尊源自巴黎 Helliot 私人珍藏,1983 年 6 月 23 日於紐
figures of similar modelling and dimension to the Morgan group, one 約佳士得拍賣,拍品 136 號,並著錄於 Anthony du Boulay《Christie’s
from the Helliot Collection, Paris, was sold at Christie’s New York, 23 Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics》,1984 年,179 頁,圖三(圖一);
June 1983, lot 136, and illustrated by Anthony du Boulay in Christie’s 另一尊缺底座,源自佛羅里達州 Carolyn Trippe 女士舊藏,2015 年 9 月
Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, Oxford, 1984, p. 179, no. 3 (fig. 1);
the second, missing its base, from the collection of Carolyn Trippe, Palm 16 日於紐約蘇富比拍賣,拍品 467 號。
Beach, Florida, was sold at Sotheby’s New York, 16 September 2015,
lot 467. 此像造形碩大,推塑逼真,天官神情嚴肅凜然,莊重靜穆。明代中期始
Both Buddhist and Daoist sancai-glazed stoneware figures were 世品不多。風格近似的三彩道教人物塑像可參考香港徐氏基金會藏一
popularly commissioned during the Ming dynasty. For a similar sancai
Daoist figure seated on a multi-tiered pedestal, representing the deity 尊原始天尊像(連座 203 公分高),見 Stephen Little 著《Taoism and
Yuan Shi Tian Zun (The Primal Celestial Excellency), from the Tsui the Arts of China》,芝加哥,2000,圖版 68。大英博物院亦藏一尊風
Art Foundation, Hong Kong, see Stephen Little, Taoism and the Arts 格類似署成化二十年銘款的布袋羅漢像(119.2 公分高),及一尊原始
of China, Chicago, 2000, no. 68 (203 cm. high). Another figure also 天尊像(123.3 公分高),後者風格較自然粗獷,髮膚、袖口等處皆刻
representing Yuan Shi Tian Zun (123.3 cm. high) with several unglazed 意不上釉,見 Jessica Harrison-Hall 著《Ming Ceramics in the British
areas including the hair, flesh and shoulder medallions, and a Budai
figure (119.2 cm. high) similar in style and palette to the Morgan group Museum》,2001 年,圖版 19:1 及 19:2。
dated to the 20th year of Chenghua period (1484) by inscription from
the British Museum, are illustrated in Jessica Harrison-Hall, Ming 亦可比較兩尊尺寸較小但風格類似的道教人物塑像,一為多倫多皇家安
Ceramics in the British Museum, London, 2001, nos. 19:1 and 19:2. 大略博物館藏文昌帝君像(86 公分高),見《Royal Ontario Museum,
The Far Eastern Collection》,多倫多,1968 年,圖版 90 號;一為紐
Compare also to a smaller but closely related sancai-glazed figure of
the Daoist God of Literature, Wenchang in the Royal Ontario Museum 約大都會博物館藏 (60.3 公分高 ),署成化 17 年銘款,見典藏編號:
(86 cm. high), illustrated in Henry Trubner, Royal Ontario Museum, 1971.163。
The Far Eastern Collection, Toronto, 1968, p. 72, no. 90; and to
another figure of Daoist deity (60.3 cm. high) dated to the 17th year of
Chenghua period (1481) in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,
accession number: 1971.163.