Page 126 - Fine Classical Chinese Paintings SOthebys Hong Kong April 1 2019
P. 126


           Court scholar and painter Qian Weicheng (1720–1772)   Huang Gongwang was the best. Huang’s ink wash paintings
           practised painting since an early age. He had been invited to   are the most charming because the painter fully understood
           work at the Imperial Court for over 20 years, and had enjoyed   the characteristics and workings of Nature. The spiritual
           the opportunity to inspect paintings with the Qianlong   landscape that Huang created tells the story of lives as they
           Emperor. The extraordinary access allowed him to examine   are nurtured by the wonder of Nature.” [1]
           a large amount of ancient paintings first hand, and develop   Each of the Four Great Masters of the Yuan Dynasty boasts
           a profound sensibility to imitate famous artworks. The   a discrete style. Qian Weicheng adroitly combined and
           Qianlong Emperor showed deep appreciation for his works,   synthesised their diverse styles and characteristics, so they
           and lavished praises on his style that was reminiscent of the   still come together as one magnificent work. The synthetic
           Four Great Masters of the Yuan Dynasty. On Qian Weicheng’s   work can be said to display a simple but vigorous style of
           In Imitation of Huang Gongwang’s Autumn Mountains, now   its own. Having thoroughly mastered the art of the Four
           in the collection of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, it   Great Masters, Qian deployed his skills and tenacity to
           reads, “Strong autumn winds sweep through Xing’an, where   create this epitome of grand styles while paying tribute to
           the mountains are barren, clouds are white, and trees are   all his predecessors. Most imitative works of the period were
           jagged and uneven. I follow others to see the sights around   imitations of the works of one or two old masters, or album
           the area, and I jot down my feelings and impressions. For no   in which each leaf was usually an imitation of the work of one
           particular reason, I casually created this imitation of Huang   painter. Therefore, Qian’s scroll, in which the artist imitated
           Gongwang’s painting.” (fig.1)
                                                     the Four Great Masters, was very rare.
           Granted, the number of Qian’s imitative artworks is very   According to the inscription, Qian Weicheng saw Wang
           small despite the Qianlong Emperor’s high praise. In the   Yuanqi’s imitation of landscape painting from the Yuan
           current handscroll, the styles and characters of all Four   Dynasty at the place of his friend Yu Minzhong (1714–1779),
           Great Masters of landscape painting were found, and as   and paid a compliment by saying, “a free style of brushwork
           such, this work is among the rarest. This scroll is over 16 feet   to breathe life into the work and to bring it all together.”
           long, and the continuous landscape was painted with rich   Qian was inspired to create this work thereafter, and he
           and varying brushwork, showing distinct shades of ink and   lamented that his work was inferior to Wang’s work out of
           an intricate composition dominated by a rugged landscape.   humility. Qian Weicheng greatly admired Wang and once
           The beginning of the scroll features mountain peaks and   said, “Since the passing of Wang Yuanqi, there have been no
           forests interspersed by streams. The techniques employed   more outstanding painters. For this reason, the depths of the
           – brushstrokes piling one on another to produce masses of   soul are missing from all the landscape paintings that came
           texture – are characteristic of Wang Meng’s brushwork. Its   after Wang.”  Qian also added, “There are two schools of
           sharp rocks and range upon range of mountains hint at the   landscape painting masters in the Qing Dynasty, one is Yun
           brushwork of Huang Gongwang. Beautiful trees and rocks dot   Shouping, and the other is Wang Yuanqi. These two painters
           a village on a plateau over the cliff, and this depiction reminds   can be compared to two poets in history, namely Li Bai and
           us of Ni Zan’s landscape painting, and affords us a moment   Du Fu. Du Fu’s poems are grandiose and epic, whereas Li
           of calmness against the dramatic mountain backdrop.   Bai’s poems are unrestrained and untamed. Li and Du, whose
           Afterwards, we see peaks painted using the techniques of   contributions were considered irreplaceable, were revered
           Huang Gongwang. The mountains are surrounded by streams   and admired by their posterity.”   Qian was struck by the
           and forests, and this composition draws inspirations from   original work, which he had a rare opportunity to see.
           Wu Zhen. The end of the scroll features flat rocks and gentle
           slopes, which are painted using the technique associated   When Qian Weicheng painted this work in 1766, he was in the
           with both Wu Zhen and Huang Gongwang, but Huang’s   capital to serve as the Vice Minister of Justice and Education
           influence seems to predominate. This subtle reference and   Commissioner of Zhejing. A year prior, he accompanied the
           reverence to Huang Gongwang can be explained in terms   Qianlong Emperor to travel to the South. As he maintained
           of Qian Weicheng’s admiration of all things ancient, as he   a busy official schedule, he could only paint during his
           wrote, “Among the Four Great Masters in the Yuan Dynasty,   spare time, and the work took him over two months, and

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