Page 130 - Fine Classical Chinese Paintings SOthebys Hong Kong April 1 2019
P. 130

                                            and with three seals of his; by Ping Shengtai    (2) Zhao Yi, Oubeu Ji, (1812 Zhanyitang carved
           AMERICAN COLLECTION              (18th Century), dated gengzi (1780) and with   version),  juan 21
                                            four seals of his; by Zhao Huaiyu, dated the    (3) Zhao Huaiyu, Yiyoushengzhai Ji, (1821
           QIAN WEICHENG (1720-1772)        sixteenth year of Jiaqing reign (1811) and with   carved version), shi juan 5 and 28
           LANDSCAPE AFTER THE FOUR GREAT   two seals of his; by Shao Songnian (1848-1923),    (4) Peng Yuanrui, Enyutang Jigao, (1827 carved
           YUAN MASTERS                     dated bingchen (1916) and with two seals of his.   version),  juan 3
                                            Inscriptions in the mounting border by Qian    (5) Qian Daxin, Qianyantang Shiji, (1831 carved
           ink on paper, handscroll         Daxin (1728-1804), dated dingwei (1787) and   version), juan 5
           Inscribed twice, dated dinghai, corresponding   with two seals of his; by Yang Qinglin, dated   (6) Shao Songnian, Chenglantang Guyuan Cuilu,
           to 1767, with a dedication to his younger brother   guiyou (1873) and with one seal of his.    1904, juan 5, pp.15-19
           Qian Weiqiao and with four seals of the artist   with one collector’s seal of Cao Wenzhi (1735-  (7) Xu Bangda, Gaiding Lidai Liuchuan Huihua
           in total.                        1798), one collector’s seal of Wang Lizhai   Biannianbiao, Beijing, 1995, p.238
           Titleslip by Yang Qinglin (19th Century), dated   (18th/19th Century), two collector’s seals of
           gengwu (1870) and with one seal of his.   Ye Honghan (Qing Dynasty), four collector’s   Illustrated:
           Frontispiece by Fan Yongqi (1727-1795) and with   seals of Jin Chuansheng (19th/20th Century),   (1) Shanghai Museum ed., Zhongguo Shuhuajia
           three seals of his               one collector seal of Yang Qinglin and five other   Yinjian Kuanshi, 1982, pp.1498-1499 (Qian
           Colophons by Qian Zai (1708-1793), dated   collectors’ seals       Weicheng’s seal impression 22, 24, 28 and
           xinmao (1771) and with three seals of his; by   33 by 523 cm. 13 by 206 in.  signature 33); p. 1364 ( Zhao Huaiyu’s seal
           Zhao Yi (1727-1814) and with three seals of his;                   impression 11, 13, 15); p. 1495 (Qian Zai’s seal
           by Zhao Huaiyu (1747-1823), dated jiawu (1774)   LITERATURE        impression 22)
           and with four seals of his; by Zhang Qia (1718-?),   Recorded:     (2) Kaikodo Journal, The Power of Form, Spring
           dated jiawu (1774) and with one seal of his; by    (1) Qian Zai, Tuoshizhai Shiji, (Qing Qianlong   1998, pp. 106, 243-244, no. 20
           Peng Yuanrui (1731-1803), dated jiawu (1774)                       (3) Kaikodo Journal, Scholarly Premises,
                                            carved version),  juan 32         Autumn 1999, p. 146
                                                                              HK$ 12,000,000-16,000,000
                                                                              US$ 1,530,000-2,040,000

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