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     i6i8), and Goto lenobu of Hizen. In  the  bowls (cat. 246), popular in the  early seven-  outer edge of the rim, forming the ground
     early  15905, Hideyoshi issued orders in-  teenth century and associated with the  for two triangular sections of parallel grass-
     structing his officers  to bring craftsmen  prominent tea master Furuta  Oribe (1544-  like strokes at the base of the  trunk.
     with them upon their return to Japan from  1615). Oribe, who helped  to popularize  The  tsubo (jar) from  the  Idemitsu Mu-
     the  Korean peninsula. Accordingly, Ko-  Karatsu wares by using them himself at  seum of Arts (cat. 249) is of a type com-
     rean potters made their way to Hizen and  tea gatherings, resided at Nagoya Castle in  monly made for utilitarian storage,  though
     with the protection  of the  local rulers es-  Hizen for eighteen  months  from  1592 to  this example was probably employed as a
     tablished kilns in many of its variously  1593. The  castle was the  expedition opera-  mizusashi (fresh  water jar). The  body sits
     held territories, including the  Saga,  tions base, located near the port of  atop a ring foot, tapering from its pro-
     Hirado, and Karatsu domains. Even prior  Karatsu (not to be confused with Nagoya  nounced, bulging mid-section to the
     to the Korean invasions, such Korean-  Castle on Honshu). Terasawa Hirotaka  mouth  whose narrow rim is delicately
     influenced  glazed ceramics seem to have  (1563-1633), a retainer of Hideyoshi and a  turned out. On the upper part of the jar, a
     been made on a limited scale in Hizen at  tea enthusiast, also served the  war  effort  simple design of reeds, a common  Karatsu
     kilns near the Kishidake Castle of the  Hata  from Nagoya Castle and after the  first  motif, is rendered  in fluid brushstrokes of
     clan. Until they were ousted  by Hideyoshi  campaign was appointed  daimyo of the  underglaze  iron.
     in  1594 the  Hata were rulers in the  area.  Karatsu domain, where he supported ce-  The  great prosperity enjoyed by the
     They had long engaged in trade and piracy  ramic production.            Hizen Karatsu kilns during the early part
     with Korea and China. The  great expan-  The  two examples of Karatsu ware in  of the seventeenth  century suffered due
     sion of ceramic production  following  the  the exhibition are decorated  with designs  to the growth in popularity of native por-
     Korean expeditions, however, is well re-  painted in underglaze iron oxide.  The  celains, first  fired  in Hizen. The  number
     flected by the excavated sites of over one  large dish from the  Umezawa Kinenkan  of kilns making Karatsu pottery  decreased
     hundred Hizen kilns where a variety of  (cat. 248) is potted  from  sandy clay, its shal-  and most of those remaining made utilitar-
     types of Karatsu ware was made.      low curving bowl stepped  up to a wide un-  ian wares. In the Karatsu domain,  some
         Utilitarian vessels were the mainstay  dulating rim pinched  at irregular intervals.  kilns fired ceramics commissioned  by  the
     of the  Karatsu kilns. Tea men  were drawn  Typical of many large Karatsu dishes,  the  daimyo for presentation  to the  shogunate
     to their unpretentious beauty and adopted  ring foot is small for the  size of the  vessel  or other daimyo, a practice that is said to
     them  for use in the tea ceremony. Over  it supports. Except  for the  foot and  the  have begun as early as the tenure of Tera-
     time, vessels for the  tea context  were com-  area immediately surrounding it, the dish  sawa Hirotaka and continued  despite  peri-
     missioned, including those in styles that  is completely covered  with a mixed  feld-  odic interruptions until the  Meiji
     can also be found at other Japanese kilns,  spathic and ash glaze. A sinuous pine tree  Restoration, even as the  post of daimyo of
     such as kutsugata, or "shoe-shaped," tea-  meanders over the dish interior, throwing  the Karatsu domain passed from one clan
                                          some of its branches  up along the  rim of  to another.          AMW
                                          the dish. An uneven line encircles  the

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