P. 328
southwest to Kumamoto in Higo Province once owned by Sansai, but it is unclear 252 Teabowl
in 1632. Sansai retired to Yatsushiro in whether this piece was produced at one of Satsuma ware
Higo, accompanied by Chonhae and other the pre-1032 Agano kilns in Buzen or h. 10.8 (41/4)
potters, establishing kilns that fired tea shortly after Sansai moved to Yatsushiro. Edo period, early iyth century
wares. After the Hosokawa move to Kuma- Traditionally, it is said to have been made Fukushi Shigeo Collection, Tokyo
moto, Sarayama Hongama was continued by Chonhae; whether this attribution is
by descendants of Chonhae as the official correct is impossible to verify, though later Satsuma ware is another of the many
kiln of the Ogasawara clan, the Hosokawa Yatsushiro wares often have less delicate types of ceramics established by a daimyo
replacements in Buzen. forms and sometimes decoratively pat- following his participation in Hideyoshi's
This hanaire (flower container), with terned designs. A fitting on the back of Korean expeditions. According to histori-
its simplicity of shape and earth color, is this type of container allowed it to be cal records maintained by the Naeshiro-
representative of the refined tea wares hung on the post of a tea room, though it gawa Satsuma ware kiln, Shimazu
produced under Sansai's patronage. The could be placed on the ground. AMW Yoshihiro (1535-1619), a Sen no Rikyü
box in which the flower container is stored (1522-1591) disciple and ruler of the large
bears an inscription stating that it was