P. 333


         painting traditions and lacquer. Small pine  Kaga (part of present-day Ishikawa Prefec-  unglazed bottom  of the  vessel is stamped
         trees in gold and light green, and  red ca-  ture) also owned many pieces by Ninsei,  with the large Ninsei  seal.
         mellia and plum blossoms outlined and de-  some of which are recorded  to have en-  The  colored  decoration  is a mixture
         tailed in gold with light green leaves,  tered their  collection  through  the  well-  of natural motifs and geometric abstrac-
         stretch  into the characteristic rich  Ninsei-  connected Kyoto tea master and some-  tions. A weave of silver diamond-shaped
         guro (Ninsei black) background. Low, roll-  time Maeda guest, Kanamori Sôwa  (1584-  lozenges, graded in size from  the  narrower
         ing mountains, like those  in Japan, loom  1656). Sowa's social influence and  bottom  to wider top, are filled  with gold
         behind in gold. The  lower portion  of the  aesthetic guidance were of great impor-  floral abstractions on a red ground.  Four
         vessel remains undercorated, revealing the  tance to Ninsei, especially during the early  windows are framed by the  weave, each
         clay body, and the bottom is marked with a  part of the artist's  career.  opening onto a white ground and contain-
         large seal that reads Ninsei.          Like cat. 256, the  mizusashi in the  col-  ing green-leafed peony buds and blooms in
            Ninsei reaped  the benefits of a tea  lection of the  Tokyo National Museum  combinations of gold and red, and red and
         world support system that linked him with  (cat. 257) adapts the  shape of a powdered  silver. The  technique  employed  for the
         tea masters and members  of the different  tea container, in this case, a natsume, a  flowers is that of yamato-e, especially that
         social classes, including court, wealthy  type usually made of black lacquer. Two  seen  in the floral forms painted by the art-
         merchant,  and daimyo clients. Cat. 256  other  slightly larger mizusashi in this  ists of Sotatsu's studio. Gold  is used  for
         was owned by the  Kyógoku family, daimyo  shape are known, though this example is  the earth and clouds, and to delineate  the
         of the Marugame domain on Shikoku   the  most minutely and painstakingly exe-  juncture of the vertical wall with the  top.
         from  1658 throughout  the  Edo period,  one  cuted. The  walls are thin, elegantly curv-  The  top is decorated  with a billowing wave
         of many works by Ninsei in their posses-  ing up toward the flattened top that is  pattern  in silver on a red ground.  Subse-
         sion. The  wealthy Maeda  daimyo of  stepped  down at the mouth  to form a  quent oxidation has blackened the silver.
                                             ledge upon  which the lid would rest.  The

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