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                   trusted by the tea master Sen no Rikyü  son, Azuma, one of the  most reticent of  of kilns established along the  eastern  and
                   (1522-1591) with realizing in plastic form  Koetsu's works, seems softened and de-  northern  fringes of Kyoto. Around  1647,
                   the reserved and austere  wabi aesthetic he  mure. The rim of the mouth is blunt  and  Ninsei established  the Omuro kiln in the
                   espoused, and the responsibility of pre-  describes  a slow undulating  movement.  western part of the  city at Ninnaji and be-
                   serving this tradition no doubt  had a con-  The  dominant feature is the white-tinged  gan to fire his ceramics, primarily tea-
                   strictive effect on Chojiro's  successors.  crackled area of glaze.  AMW  related vessels. Ninsei's studio was
                   Koetsu, on the other hand, adhered  to the                              characterized by great versatility, produc-
                   aesthetic theories  of his own time, espe-  256  Large storage jar for tea leaves  ing objects in both large and  small scales
                   cially those of his tea teacher Oribe; these                            and sometimes in styles other  than  the
                   encouraged outgoing, idiosyncratic expres-  Nonomura Ninsei             multi-colored enameled  type exhibited
                   sions in clay, as seen,  for example, in  the  (fl. mid-iyth century)   here, including refined versions of the
                   products of the Mino kilns (cats. 242-247).  h. 26.3 (io3/s)            wares of other  kilns such as Seto, Karatsu,
                      The  shape oí Azuma (East, cat.  255)  Edo period,                   and Shigaraki.
                   and its thick coat of black Raku glaze are  mid-iyth century               The  angled  shoulder  and tall,  narrow
                   reminiscent of the  works of the third-  Agency for Cultural Affairs, Tokyo  form of the  chatsubo, or large storage jar
                   generation master of the  Raku lineage,  Important Cultural Property    for tea leaves, in the  collection  of the
                   Dônyu (also known as Nonkô,  1599-1656).                                Agency for Cultural  Affairs  (cat. 256) re-
                   Letters from  Koetsu to the  Raku family, in                            calls that of much  smaller containers  used
                   one of which he orders clay from them,  257  Fresh water container      for powdered tea in the popular  katatsuki
                   and contemporary biographical  accounts  Nonomura Ninsei                style. Despite  the tremendous  increase in
                   indicate that Kóetsu pursued his ceramic                                size, the  form has lost none of its delicacy.
                   activities with the guidance of Jókei, the  (fl. mid-i7th century)      By appending the  four loops at the  shoul-
                   second-generation  Raku master, and    h.  14.0 (5^2)                   ders that are typical of chatsubo, Ninsei in-
                   Dônyu. The  nature of this relationship  Edo period,                    vented a composite  form that he is known
                   probably was one less of dependence  than  mid-i7th century             to have employed in at least two other
                   cross-fertilization; the revitalization of the  Tokyo National Museum   pieces.
                   Raku tradition that Donyu is credited  with                                Most immediately striking in this
                   is attributable  at least in part to his in-  Nonomura Ninsei is regarded as the piv-  work is the bold decoration. Although  the
                   volvement with the amateur  potter  otal figure in the  early development of  multi-color enamel process was probably
                   Koetsu. Some of Kôetsu's most striking  Kyôyaki, the  ceramic wares of Kyoto, of-  introduced to Japan from  China, Ninsei
                   black bowls are characterized by their  ten decorated  with multi-color enamels.  developed  new techniques,  experimenting
                   sharply defined profile, frequently with an  His work reflected the refinement and lux-  with elegant harmonies of color and  deco-
                   outward-slanting rim and portions of the  ury of Kyoto and  satisfied  the  aesthetic re-  rative motifs. These often speak less of
                   bowl not covered with glaze. In compari-  quirements  of Japan's political  and  China than of Japan, drawing influence
                                                       cultural elite. By the  mid-seventeenth  cen-  from native sources such  as the  yamato-e
                                                       tury, Kyoyaki was being made at a number

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