P. 407


                                                              For Japanese-language  publications, the  Arnesen  1979: Arnesen, Peter J. The  Medi-
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                                                              ily name preceding given  name; all  names  and London,  1979.
                                                              in English-language publications  are given
                                                              in Western style.                  Asao 1975: Asao Naohiro. Sakoku  (The  age
                                                                                                   of seclusion). Tokyo, 1975.
                                                              When  available, the English  translation is
                                                              listed as given  in the  Japanese-language  Atsuta  1979: Atsuta Ko. Ouchi  Yoshitaka.
                                                              publication.                         Tokyo,1979.
                                                              Adachi  1974: Adachi Keiko. "Inuou-  Azuma kagami: Azuma kagami (The  mir-
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                                                                972 (1974): 11-30.                 expanded compendium  of national his-
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