P. 410

Kumakura  1980: Kumakura Isao. Kindai  Kuwata, Okamoto,  Kôyama, and Naka-  Los Angeles 1985: Japanese  Ink  Paintings.
                    chadd  shi no kenkyù  (Studies in the  mod-  mura  1980: Kuwata Tadachika, Okamoto  Exh. est. by Shin'ichi Miyajima 3nd
                    ern history of the  way of tea). Tokyo,  Ryóichi, Kóyama Noboru,  and Naka-  Yasuhiro Sato. Los Angeles County  Mu-
                    1980.                               mura Hiroshi. Sekigahara kassen zu  seum  of Art, 1985.
                                                        (Paintings of the  Battle of Sekigahara).
                  Kumakura  1983: Kumakura Isao. Oribe,  Vol. 5 of Sengoku  kassen-e bydbu shùsei  Lu  1974: Lu,  Dsvid J. Sources of  Japanese
                    Enshù, Sotan. Tokyo, 1983.          (Sengoku-period battle  screens). Tokyo,  History.  2 vols. New  York,  1974.
                  Kumamoto 1976: Eisei Bunko meihin ten  1980.                            Masaki  1978: Masaki Takayuki. Masaki Bi-
                    (Exhibition of masterpieces  of the  Eisei  Kyoto 1977: Kyoto National Museum,  ed.  jutsukan  meihin zuroku: Shoga hen. (Il-
                    Bunko). Exh. cat. Kumamoto  Prefec-  Momoyama  jidai no  kdgei (Handicrafts  lustrated catalogue  of masterpieces of
                    tural Museum  of Art,  1976.        of the  Momoyama  period). Kyoto, 1977.  the Mssski Art Museum:  Calligraphy
                  Kumamoto 1977: No no men  to  shdzoku  Kyoto 1978: Kyoto National Museum,  ed.  and painting). Kyoto, 1978.
                    (No masks and costumes). Exh. cat. Ku-  Nihon no shozd (Portrait sculpture and  Mass  1979: Mass, Jeffrey  P. The  Develop-
                    mamoto Prefectural Museum  of Art,  paintings of Japan). Tokyo, 1978.   ment ofKamakura  Rule, 1180-1250: A
                    1977.                                                                   History  with Documents. Stanford,  1979.
                                                      Kyoto  19813: Hosokawake  korekushon  Tdyd
                  Kumamoto 19783: Eisei Bunko no  buki  bijutsu  (The  essence  of Japanese and  Mass  1982: Mass, Jeffrey  P., ed.  Court  and
                    bugu (Arms and armor from the  Eisei  Chinese  art from  the  Hosokawa family  Bakufu  in  Japan:  Essays in  Kamakura
                    Bunko). Exh. cat. Kumamoto Prefec-  collection). Exh. cat. Kyoto National  History.  New Haven, 1982.
                    tural Museum  of Art,  1978.        Museum,  1981.                    Matsushita  1956: Matsushita Takaaki.
                  Kumamoto 1978^ Higo no kinkd (Metal-  Kyoto i98ib: Chanoyu  to Kydyaki  i: Nin-  "Chdshdkenzu"  (Landscape painting
                    work of Higo). Exh. cat. Kumamoto Pre-  sei, Kenzan, Kokiyomizu (Chanoyu and  with a poem  of Chosho-ken). Yamato
                    fectural Museum  of Art,  1978.     Kyoto ceramics  i: Ninsei, Kenzan, and  bunka  no.  22 (1956): 47-49.
                  Kumamoto 1978^ Chugoku no e to sho    Kokiyomizu). Exh. cat. Chadô Shiryô-  Matsushita  1967: Matsushita Takaaki. Ink
                    (Chinese painting and calligraphy). Exh.  kan, Kyoto,  1981.            Painting.  Trans, and adapted  by Martin
                    cat. Kumamoto Prefectural Museum  of  Kyoto 1982: Kyoto National Museum,  ed.  Collcutt.  Vol. 7 of Arts of  Japan.  New
                    Art,  1978.                         Komen (Old masks). Tokyo, 1982.     York and  Tokyo, 1967.
                  Kumamoto  19793: Kumamoto no  bijutsu  Kyoto 19853: Nihon no senshoku: Waza  to  Matsushita and Tamamura  1974: Matsu-
                    (The  arts of Kumamoto). Exh.  cat. Ku-  bi (Japanese textiles: Beauty and  skill).  shita  Takaaki and  Tamamura  Takeji. Jo-
                    mamoto Prefectural Museum  of Art,  Exh. cat. Kyoto National Museum,  1985.  setsu, Shübun, san Ami  (Josetsu, Shü-
                    1979.                                                                   bun, and the three Ami). Vol. 6 of
                                                      Kyoto 1985^ Suki no sakutd: Kdetsu  kara  Suiboku  bijutsu  taikei (Ink paintings).
                  Kumamoto  1979!): Eisei Bunko no  chanoyu  gendai  made (The  ceramics of  aesthetes:  Tokyo, 1974.
                    no dôgu (Tea utensils in the  Eisei  From  Kóetsu to the present). Exh.  cat.
                    Bunko). Exh. cat. Kumamoto  Prefec-  The  Raku Museum,  Kyoto, 1985.  McCullough  1959: McCullough,  Helen
                    tural Museum  of Art,  1979.                                            Craig, trans. The  Taiheiki: A  Chronicle
                                                      Kyoto 1986: Kobori Enshù ten (Kobori En-
                  Kumamoto  1980: Daimyd  no kurashi no bi  shü exhibition). Exh. cat. Nomura Art  of  Medieval Japan.  New  York, 1959.
                    (Elegance in the  life of the daimyo).  Museum,  Kyoto,  1986.        McCullough  1964-1965:  McCullough,
                    Exh. cat. Kumamoto Prefectural Mu-                                      Helen  Craig, trans. ''A Tale of Mutsu."
                    seum of Art,  1980.               Kyoto 1987: Nihon no katchù  (Japanese  ar-  Harvard  Journal of Asiatic  Studies 25
                                                        mor). Exh. est. Kyoto National Mu-
                  Kumamoto  1982: Hosokawa  sandai (Three  seum,  1987.                     (1964-1965):  178-211.
                    generations  of Hosokawa). Exh. cat. Ku-                              McCullough  19853: McCullough,  Helen
                    mamoto  Prefectural Museum  of Art,  Kyoto Furitsu  Sógó Shiryókan  1970: Kyoto  Craig. Kokin Wakashu:  The  First Impe-
                    1982.                               Furitsu  Sogo Shiryókan. Zuroku  Tdji  rial Anthology  of  Japanese  Poetry, with
                                                        Hyakugo  monjo  (Illustrated catalogue of                    Stan-
                  Kumamoto  1983: Eisei Bunko no shikkdgei  the  Hyakugo archives of Toji). Kyoto,  'Tosa Nikki'  and  'Shinsen  Waka.'
                    (Lacquer in the  Eisei Bunko). Exh.  cat.  1970.                        ford,  1985.
                    Kumamoto Prefectural  Museum  of Art,                                 McCullough  1985^ McCullough,  Helen
                    1983.                             Kyusojin  1960:  Kyüsojin Hitaku. Kokin wa-  Craig. Brocade by Night:  'Kokin Wa-
                                                        kashù seiritsu ron (The  formation of  the  kashu' and the Court  Style  in  Japanese
                  Kumamoto  19843: Eisei Bunko no byd-  Kokin wakashù). 4 vols. Tokyo,  1960.
                    bu-e (Screen paintings in the  Eisei                                    Classical Poetry. Stanford,  1985.
                    Bunko). Exh.  cat.  Kumamoto  Prefec-  London  1981-1982: The  Great Japan  Exhi-  Meech-Pekarik  1977-1978:  Meech-Pekarik,
                    tural Museum  of Art,  1984.        bition: Art  of  the Edo Period 1600-1868.  Julis. "Disguised Scripts and  Hidden
                                                        Exh. cat. ed. William Watson. Royal  Poems  in an Illustrated Heian  Sutra:
                  Kumamoto  1984!): Eisei Bunko ten (Eisei  Academy of Arts, London,  1981-1982.
                    Bunko exhibition). Exh.  cat.  Kumamoto                                 Ashide and Uta-e in the  Heike Nôgyô."
                    Prefectural Museum  of Art,  1984.  Los Angeles  1965: Art  Treasures from Ja-  Archives  of  Asian  Art  31 (1977-1978):
                                                        pan. Exh. est. Los Angeles County  Mu-  52-78.
                   Kuwata  1957: Kuwata Tadachika.  Yama-  seum  of Art, 1965; The  Detroit  Institute
                    noue  Sdjiki  no kenkyù  (Studies of the  tea  of Arts, 1965-1966; Philadelphia  Mu-  Mikami and Hayashiya 1983: Mikami  Tsu-
                    chronicles  of Yamanoue Sóji). Kyoto,  seum  of Art, 1966; The  Royal  Ontario  gio and Hayashiya Seizô, eds. Edo 4
                                                                                            (Edo period
                                                                                                      4: Kutani and
                                                        Museum,  Toronto,  1966.            wares). Vol. 9 of Sekai  tôji zenshù (Ce-
                   Kuwata  1963: Kuwata Tadachika.  Chadd  Los Angeles 1983-1984: The  Shogun  Age  ramic art of the  world). Tokyo, 1983.
                    jiten ( A dictionary of the  way of tea).  Exhibition  from  the  Tokugawa Art Mu-
                    Tokyo,  1963.                       seum, Japan.  Exh. cat.  Los Angeles
                                                        County  Museum  of Art, 1983-1984; Dal-
                                                        las Museum  of Art, 1984; Haus der
                                                        Kunst, Munich, 1984-1985; Espace
                                                        Pierre  Cardin,  Paris,  1985.

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