P. 415

Wakimoto 1937: Wakimoto Sokuro.     Yamaguchi  1981: Ko Hagi: Sono genryu  to
            "Sengoku  no bujin  gaka Yamada Dôan"  shühen (Old Hagi: Its beginnings and
            (Yamada Dôan, warrior-artist of  the  surroundings). Exh. cat. Yamaguchi Pre-
            Sengoku period). Gasetsu no.  10 (1937)1  fectural Art Museum,  1981.
            344-354;  no.  11 (1937): 453-462; no.  12  Yamamoto 1987: Yamamoto Tsutomu.
            (*937) 437-S5 -                     "Ashikaga, Kôtokuji Dainichi  Nyorai zo
          Wakita  1987: Wakita Osamu.  Oda No-  to Unkei" (The  statue of Mahavairocana
            bunga. Tokyo, 1987.                 at Kôtokuji, Ashikaga, and Unkei).
                                                Tokyo  Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan  kiyd  no.
          Washington  1953: Exhibition  of  Japanese  2  8  :  110
            Painting and Sculpture.  Exh. cat. Na-  3 (!9 7)  5- -
            tional Gallery of Art, Washington, 1953;  Yamane 1973: Yamane Yuzô.  Momoyama
            The Metropolitan  Museum  of Art, New  Genre Painting.  Trans. John M.  Shields.
            York, 1953; Museum  of Fine Arts, Bos-  Vol. 17 of  The  Heibonsha  Survey  of  Japa-
            ton,  1953; The  Art Institute  of Chicago,  nese Art. New  York and  Tokyo,  1973.
            1953; Seattle  Art Museum,  1953.
                                              Yamane 1979: Yamane Yuzô, éd. Jinbu-
          Washington  1977: The  Tokugawa Collec-  tsuga: Yamato-e  kei jinbutsu (Figure
            tion: No Robes and Masks. Exh. cat. by  painting: Yamato-e figure paintings). Vol.
            Yoshinobu Tokugawa and  Sadao       5 of  Nihon bydbu-e shùsei (Japanese
            Okôchi.  Trans, and adapted by Louise  screen paintings). Tokyo, 1979.
            Allison Cort and Monica  Bethe. Na-  Yamane 1980: Yamane Yûzo, éd.  Kachdga:
            tional Gallery of Art, Washington,  1977;  Shiki  sdka (Flower-and-bird  painting:
            Japan House  Gallery, New  York,  1977;  Grasses and flowers of the  four seasons).
            Kirnbell Art Museum,  Fort  Worth, 1977.  Vol. 7 of Nihon bydbu-e shùsei (Japanese
          Washington  1979: Japanese  Lacquer. Exh.  screen  paintings). Tokyo, 1980.
            cat. by Ann Yonemura. The  Freer  Gal-  Yamanobe, Kamiya, and  Ogasawara  1980:
            lery of Art, Smithsonian  Institution.  Yamanobe Tomoyuki, Kamiya Eiko, and
            Washington,  1979.                  Ogasawara Sae. Buke, hakusaigire (War-
          Watanabe 1948: Watanabe Hajime. Hi-   riors and  imported  fabric). Vol. 2 of  Ni-
            gashiyama suibokuga no kenkyù (Studies  hon no senshoku (Japanese textiles).
            in ink painting of the  Higashiyama pe-  Tokyo,  1980.
            riod). Tokyo, 1948.
                                              Yamaoka  1978: Yamaoka Taizô. Kano  Ma-
          Watanabe 1983: Watanabe Akiyoshi.     sanobu, Motonobu.  Vol. 7 of Nihon bi-
            "Jingojizô den Minamoto  Yoritomo zo,  jutsu  kaiga zenshù (Japanese paintings).
            den Taira Shigemori zó, den  Fujiwara  Tokyo,  1978.
            Mitsuyoshi zó" (On the repair of three  Yanagida  1977: Yanagida Seizan. Muso. Vol.
            National Treasures  owned  by Jingoji  7 of Nihon no Zen goroku (Collected say-
            Temple: Portraits thought  to be of Mina-  ings of Zen  monks of Japan). Tokyo,
            moto no Yoritomo, Taira no  Shigemori,  1977.
            and Fujiwara no Mitsuyoshi and at-
            tributed  to Fujiwara  no Takanobu). Ga-  Yokohama  1987: Nabeshima: Hanyd  kara
            kusd  no.  5 (1983):  139-143.      gendai  made (Nabeshima: From  clan kiln
                                                to the present). Exh. cat. Kanagawa Pre-
          Wheelwright  19813: Wheelwright,  Carolyn.  fectural Museum,  Yokohama, 1987.
            "A Visualization of Eitoku's Lost Paint-
            ings at Azuchi Castle." In Elison and  Yokoi 1980: Yokoi Akio. Kokin denju  no shi-
            Smith  1981, 87-111.                teki kenkyù  (Study of the history of the
                                                Kokin  denju).  Kyoto,  1980.
          Wheelwright i98ib: Wheelwright,  Caro-
            lyn. "Kano Painters of the  Sixteenth  Yoshimura  1978: Yoshimura Teiji. 'The
            Century A.D.: The  Development  of  Soul of Chashaku." Chanoyu  Quarterly
            Motonobu's Daisen-in Style." Archives  no.  21 (1978): 55-64.
            of  Asian Art  34 (1981):  6-31.
                                              Yoshizawa  1978: Yoshizawa Tadashi, ed.
          Yamagataken Kyôiku linkai 1983: Yamaga-  Sansuiga: Suiboku  sansui  (Landscape
            taken Kyôiku linkai, éd.. Yamagataken  painting: Ink landscapes). Vol. 2 of Ni-
            bunkazai chdsa  hdkokusho  dai 24 shü:  hon bydbu-e shùsei (Japanese  screen
            Honzan Jionji no butsuzô (Investigation  paintings). Tokyo, 1978.
            of the  cultural properties  of Yamagata
            Prefecture,  report  24: The  Buddhist
            sculpture of Honzan  Jionji). Yamagata,
          Yamagishi and  Saitô 1986-1987: Yamagishi
            Motoo  and Saitô Shin'ichi. "Tôsei gu-
            soku ron josetsu" (Introductory discus-
            sion concerning  tôsei gusoku). Katchû
            bugu kenkyù  2 no. 73 (1986), 28-37;  nos -
            74-75  to )* -H; °- 76 (1987),  5-17-

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