P. 412
New York 1976: Nippon-id Art Swords of Ja- Ogino 1967: Ogino Minahiko. "Mori- Ozaki 1968: Ozaki Motoharu, éd. Katchù
pan: The Walter A. Compton Collection. yakebon den Ashikaga Takauji shi zo no (Armor). No. 24 of Nihon no bijutsu
Exh. cat. by Walter A. Compton et al. kenkyü" (A study on the portrait of Ta- (Arts of Japan). Tokyo, 1968.
Japan House Gallery, New York, 1976. kauji Ashikaga owned by the Moriya
family). Kokka no. 906 (1967): 7-22; no. Ozaki and Sato 1970: Ozaki Motoharu and
New York 1979: Chanoyu: Japanese Tea 907 (1967): 7-13. Sato Kanzan. Katchü to token (Armor
Ceremony. Exh. cat. by Seizô Hayashiya and swords). Vol. 21 of Censhoku Nihon
et al. Japan House Gallery, New York, Oishi 1975: Oishi Shinzaburô. Bakuhansei no bijutsu (Arts of Japan in color). Tokyo,
1979; Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, no tenkan (Transition in the baku-han 1970.
1979; Honolulu Academy of Arts, 1979. system). Tokyo, 1975.
Princeton 1976: Japanese Ink Paintings
New York 1983: Emaki: Narrative Scrolls Oishi 1977: Oishi Shinzaburô. Edo jidai from American Collections: The Muro-
from Japan. Exh. cat. by Miyeko (The Edo period). Tokyo, 1977. machi Period, an Exhibition in Honor of
Murase. The Asia Society Galleries, Shùjird Shimada. Exh. cat. ed. Yoshiaki
New York, 1983. Oishi 1978: Oishi Shinzaburô. Edo to chihô Shimizu and Carolyn Wheelwright. The
bunka (Edo and provincial culture).
New York 1984: Kosode: i6th-icth Century Tokyo, 1978. Art Museum, Princeton University,
Textiles from the Nomura Collection. Okada, Matsuda, and Arakawa 1978-1979: 1976.
Exh. cat. by Amanda Mayer Stinche- Raleigh 1988: Robes of Elegance: Japanese
cum, Monica Bethe, and Margot Paul. Okada Jo, Matsuda Gonroku, and Ara- Kimonos of the i6tn-zoth centuries.
Japan House Gallery, New York, 1984. kawa Hirokazu, eds. Nihon no shitsugei Exh. cat. by Hayao Ishimura, Nobuhiko
(Japanese lacquer). 6 vols. Tokyo, 1978-
New York 1984-1985: Masters of Japanese 1979. Maruyama, and Tomoyuki Yamanobe.
Calligraphy. Exh. cat. by Yoshiaki North Carolina Museum of Art,
Shimizu and John M. Rosenfield. The Okamoto 1972: Okamoto, Yoshitomo. The Raleigh, 1988.
Trans. Ronald K.
Asia Society Galleries and Japan House Namban Art of Japan. Heibonsha Survey Robinson 1961: Robinson, B. W. The Arts
Jones. Vol. 19 of The
Gallery, New York, 1984-1985; The of Japanese Art. New York and Tokyo, of the Japanese Sword. London, 1961.
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas
City, 1985; Seattle Art Museum, 1985. 1972. Rubinger 1982: Rubinger, Richard. Private
Okamoto 1978: Okamoto Ryôichi. Oda Academies ofTokugawa Japan. Prince-
New York 1985: Spectacular Helmets of Ja- Nobunaga. Tokyo, 1978. ton, 1982.
pan, i6th-icth Century. Exh. cat. Japan
House Gallery, New York, 1985; Asian Okayama 1972: Tokugawa jùgodai no shd- Sakai 1981: Toshi no kdryu to bunka (Cities
Art Museum of San Francisco, 1985- gun ten (Fifteen generations of Toku- and civilizations). Exh. cat. Sakai City
1986. gawa shoguns exhibition). Exh. cat. Museum, 1981.
Okayamajô Tenshukaku, Okayama, Sakai 1983: Takuan Kdgetsu to sonó jidai
Nihon Bijutsu Token Hozon Kyókai 1966- 1972. (Takuan, Kôgetsu and their time). Exh.
1970: Nihon Bijutsu Token Hozon
Kyôkai, éd. Nihontd taikan (Collection Okayama 1984: Daimyà konrei chôdo (Dai- cat. Sakai City Museum, 1983.
of Japanese swords). 7 vols. Tokyo, 1966- myo wedding trousseaus). Exh. cat. Sakamoto 1973: Sakamoto Mitsuru, ed.
1970. Okayama Art Museum, 1984. Shoki ydfùga (Early Western-style paint-
Nishi and Hozumi 1985: Nishi, Kazuo, and Okinagusa: Kanzawa Toko (1710-1795). ings). No. 80 of Nihon no bijutsu (Arts of
Kazuo Hozumi. What is Japanese Archi- Okinagusa. In vol. 15 of Nihon zuihitsu Japan). Tokyo, 1973.
tecture?: A Survey of Traditional Japanese zenshù (Miscellaneous writings of Ja- Sakamoto 1979: Sakamoto Mitsuru, ed.
Architecture, with a List of Sites and a pan), 561-713. Ed. Nakatsuka Eijirô. To- Fùzokuga: Nanban fùzoku (Genre paint-
Map. Trans, and adapted by H. Mack kyo, 1928. ing: "Southern barbarians"). Vol. 15 of
Horton. Tokyo, New York, and San Nihon bydbu-e shùsei (Japanese screen
Francisco, 1985. Okuno 1971: Okuno Takahiro. Oda No- paintings). Tokyo, 1979.
bunaga monjo no kenkyù (Studies on the
Nishikawa 1976: Nishikawa Kyôtarô, éd. documents of Oda Nobunaga). 2 vols. Sanjônishi 1977-1978: Sanjônishi, Kinosa.
Chinsô chôkoku. No. 123 of Nihon no bi- Tokyo, 1971. "The Way of Incense." Chanoyu Quar-
jutsu (Arts of Japan). Tokyo, 1976. no. 20 (1977): 31-43; no. 21 (1978):
Onrydken nichiroku: Onrydken nichiroku terly
Nishiyama, Watanabe, and Gunji 1972: (The official diary of Onryôken; 1435- 39-54-
Nishiyama Matsunosuke, Watanabe 1466 and 1484-1493). 5 vols. Ed. Tama- Sansom 1943: Sansom, George. Japan: A
Ichiro, and Gunji Masakatsu. Kinsei mura Takeji and Katsuno Ryushin. Short Cultural History. New York, 1943.
geidd ron (Early modern arts). Vol. 61 of Kyoto, 1953-1954.
Nihon shisd taikei (History of Japanese Osaka 1987: Sansui (Landscape). Exh. cat. Sansom 1961: Sansom, George. A History
thought). Tokyo, 1972. of Japan, 1334-1615. Stanford, 1961.
Masaíci Art Museum, Osaka, 1987.
Nitobe 1920: Nitobe Inazô. Bushidd, the Sasaki 1966: Sasaki Junnosuke. Daimyd to
Soul of Japan. Tokyo, 1920. Ota, Takehana, and Naruse 1974: Ota Mo- hyakusho (Daimyo and farmers). Tokyo,
mosuke, Takehana Rintarô, and Naruse 1966.
Noma 1943: Noma Seiroku. Nihon kamen Fujio. Akita ranga (Western-style paint-
shi (History of Japanese masks). Tokyo, ing of Akita). Tokyo, 1974. Sasaki 1975: Sasaki Gin'ya. Muromachi ba-
kufu (The Muromachi bakufu). Tokyo,
Oxford 1981: Shino and Oribe Kiln Sites: A
Nosco 1984: Nosco, Peter, ed. Confucian- Loan Exhibition of Mino Shards from
ism and Tokugawa Culture. Princeton, Toki City. Exh. cat. by R. F J. Faulkner Sasama 1981: Sasama Yoshihiko. Nihon no
1984. and O. R. Impey. Ashmolean Museum, katchù bugu jiten (Illustrated encyclope-
Oxford, 1981; Groninger Museum, Gro- dia of Japanese arms and armor). Tokyo,
Oda 1986: Oda, Eiichi. "Meibutsu-gire: Fa- ningen, 1981. 1981.
mous Chanoyu Fabrics." Trans. Monica
Bethe. Chanoyu Quarterly no. 45 (1986): Oyama 1974: Oyama Kyôhei. Kamakura Sato 1961: Sato Kan'ichi. Nihon no token
7~ 3- bakufu (The Kamakura bakufu). Tokyo, (Japanese swords). Tokyo, 1961.
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