Page 11 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 11
Southeast Asian Ceramics New Light on Old Pottery
this page (clockwise from top left):
a. Lid for covered box
Sukhothai stoneware
L: 6.2 cm, H: 2.8 cm
NMS A 0201 38.162f
Lid with lotus-bud handle around which at least four incised
circular bands filled in white-green glaze, alternating with
brown glaze; interior unglazed.
b. Jarlet
L: 2.8 cm, H: 2.6 cm
NMS A 0536
Six bands painted in iron black underglaze on a
whitish body.
c. Jar shoulder
Stoneware, central Thailand
L: 4.2 cm, H: 3.4 cm
NMS A 0536
Nine incised bands on exterior, filled with matt black glaze;
dark grey biscuit.
Jar, brown glaze and four lugs
15 th –16 th C
H: 30 cm, D: 20.4 cm
NUS Museum S1969-0124-001-0
“Tall jar with four ring-handles and a moulded rib separating
shoulder from neck; the mouthrim everted; the upper body
covered in a mottled chocolate-brown glaze, the lower
body and wide flat foot unglazed and sharing a fine, dense,
grey biscuit. The aspect of the foot, so similar to that of
No. 348, as well as other features displayed by this pot,
inlcuding a shoulder moulding similar to that of No. 347,
make the attribution to Sankampaeng virtually certain. From
Indonesia. A similar jar is illustrated in Spinks I, fig 51, right
(Djakarta), from north central Java, stated to be ‘possibly of
Sukhothai origin’. Another practically identical in form to
No. 350 is shown in Fox pl 135, from Calatagan, and is
ascribed to Kalong.” (Willetts 1971: pl 350) Thailand
Jar, brown glaze
14 th C
H: 12.3 cm, D: 11 cm
NUS Museum S1972-0017-001-0
“With a wide flaring mouth and a double S-shaped profile;
decorated with a single moulded circular rib at the junction 121
of neck and shoulder, and covered in an irregular mottled
chocolate glaze with some lighter brown flambé effects on
the lower body; the plain flat foot exhibiting a coarse brown,
mud-coloured biscuit.” (Willetts 1971: pl 347) Acquired by
Willetts at the site in 1965.
Jar, storage
Maenam Noi kilns, Singburi
Mid-15 th –mid-16 th C
H: 26 cm
NUS Museum S2003-0022-003-0
Thick mouthrim; four horizontal lugs around shoulder with
a moulded horizontal band just above them; streaky brown
slip on upper body. Such jars were found on the Royal
Nanhai wreck (Brown & Sjostrand ND: pl 35).