Page 6 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 6
this page (clockwise from top left):
Bowl, celadon Myanmar/Philippines
Burma, Lagunbyee
14 th –15 th C
H: 7.5 cm, D: 22.1 cm
NUS Museum S1980-0017-001-0
Thick glaze crackled and pools in interior; one circle in
centre medaillion; four incised lines at junction of base
and cavetto; and four more at top of cavetto; three
incised lines on exterior wall; unglazed lower body Earthenware head
near foot; exterior of foot pinkish orange; base has Mindanao, Philippines
remains of kiln support in light grey.
c. 2 nd C
White Shwebo bowl H: 24.8 cm, ear to ear: 26.5 cm, nose to back: 22.8 cm
Burma Private Collection
16 th –17 th C Terracotta head with a reddish wash on face and
H: 7 cm, D: 16 cm forehead (burnished or painted?); two pierced holes in ear,
Private Collection lobes broken. (Cf. Dizon & Santiago 1996: 30 pl 3) Similar
artefacts have been found in Ayub Cave, near the town of
Solid bowl with a good white glaze; decorated with what Maitum, on the far southern tip of Mindanao in 111
looks like a wheat or full head of rice, then arrows on the the Philippines. They are associated with burial jars;
bowl part; the upper register has a rough lotus pattern; a radiocarbon dates establish that the site was used
potter’s mark on the bottom and the classic rings around approximately 1900 years ago. No other sites with such
the base of most Burmese ceramics. (Compare Honda & artefacts have yet been discovered.
Shimazu 1997: 261 pl 348, 349 and 350)
Plate, lead-glazed earthenware
Burma Jar, ovoid
15 th C Burma, Shwebo
H: 6.3 cm, D: 29.5 cm 17 th –18 th C
Private Collection H: 21 cm, D: 19 cm
Decorated in green underglaze with a large central stylised NUS Museum NU30420-0
floral bloom and scalloped border; cavetto of 8 blooms Jar with two strap-handles, thick mouthrim; upper half
amidst vegetal scrolls; possible Middle-Eastern influence. covered has white slip under a yellowish-green glaze; where
(Cf. Honda & Shimazu 1997: 251 pl 336a–b; compare glaze meets unglazed lower body, glazing forms are purplish
Brown 1988: pl XLIXb) in colour; glazed interior.