Page 5 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 5
Southeast Asian Ceramics New Light on Old Pottery
this page (clockwise from top left):
Earthenware kendi, bent spout
Unknown. Possibly Lamphun, Pa-O, or east Java
Possibly 9 th –10 th C b. Lid and handle
H: 19.5 cm, D: 11.5 cm, L: 13.5 cm R: 3 cm, H: 2.7 cm
Private Collection Earthenware, Malay Peninsula Indonesia/Malay Peninsula
NMS A 0062
Tall, bottle-shaped, whitish body with a long tapering neck,
no visible neck flange and a bent cylindrical spout; 3 mm- Jewel-motif handle.
thick incised horizontal bands around mouth, upper and c. Lid and handle
lower shoulder: it resembles bronze kendis of central and
east Java. R: 3 cm, H: 2.7 cm
Earthenware, Malay Peninsula
Terracotta, yellow kendi NMS A 0062
Found in Sulawesi. Probably east Java Putty-coloured biscuit with reddish slip; short knob handle
H: 17.2 cm, D: 12.3 cm, L: 17.2 cm of approx. 2.6 cm in diameter.
Private Collection
Flattened globular shape with a tall neck, bulbous mouth d. Handle for large jar
and mammiform spout; on neck base, two incised line; L: 9 cm, H: 3 cm
body divided into panels by five moulded vertical lines. Earthenware, unknown origin b.
NMS A 0062
Squat pot Clay red body, moulded handle. a.
Earthenware, unknown origin
L: 7 cm, W: 5 cm e. Handle for lids
NMS A 0269 35.156 D: 6 cm, H: 3 cm
Dark grey biscuit with putty-coloured slip; exterior incised Earthenware, probably from the Malay Peninsula
and moulded with undulating crests. Such vessels were also NMS A 0062 c.
associated with 14 th and 15 th -century Trowulan. Red inclusions in a whitish biscuit; funnel-shaped, thickly 109
Jeweller’s mold potted with hole approx. 1.3 cm in diameter; on exterior,
L: 8 cm, W: 2.5 cm, H: 2 cm a circular groove approx. 0.3–0.4 cm wide incised on an
Stone, Malay Peninsula orangey slip.
NMS A 0536 opposite:
Punctured by at least four holes, the left-most of which is
pierced through the cross-section; the remaining three in Terracotta, rice pot
the middle are not pierced through, bordered on the surface Probably Malay Peninsula
by an eight-sided star-shape incision, of which the bottom Unknown
spur reaches the edge of the piece. Part of a mould used for H: 16.6 cm, D: 24 cm
making gold ornaments. Private Collection
Pale grey-bodied unglazed pot, with large mouth, sloping
a. Lid and handle shoulders and round bottom; regular square motifs
L: 8 cm, W: 7 cm, H: 4.5 cm impressed. For similar vessels found on shipwrecks of the e. d.
Earthenware, probably from the Malay Peninsula 14 th through 16 th centuries off the east coast of the Siamo-
NMS A 0536 Malay Peninsula. (See Pisit & Sayan 1990: 42 pl 102, 105,
No decoration. 107–108; 44 pl 112–113, 119.)