Page 13 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 13
this page (clockwise from top left):
Bowl, celadon
12 th –13 th C
H: 11 cm, D: 13 cm
NUS Museum S1999-0009-017-0
Bulbous crucible shape with wide inverted mouthrim and
carved foot; celadon glaze.
Granary, green glaze
10 th –11 th C
H: 20.5 cm, D: 19 cm
NUS Museum NU30439
Cross-shaped décor resembling a flower with four long
petals incised and filled with brown glaze, divided into
four panels by an incised brown-glazed vertical line. All
covered in a crackled glaze. Similar to “Urn with a hollow,
carved pedestal foot, yellowish-green and brown glazes;
cover missing. Collection of Innasari Tjandra.” (Cf. Brown
1988: pl IIc)
Urn with cover
13 th –14 th C
H: 23 cm, D: 18 cm
NUS Museum S1999-0009-018-0
Cylindrical shaped; lid with knob handle surrounded by
six lotus petals and relief decoration; four perfunctory
handles; watery green glaze; carved décor of lotus petals; Vietnam
body divided by four incised lines.“ Represents a range
of ceramics in the 11 th to early 14 th centuries in northern
Vietnam. Jars, bowls and dishes are the most common
shapes, and the monochrome glazes include shades of
green, ivory and brown. Lotus motifs carved in outline
and arranged in panels round the walls are a common
decoration. Some examples show two glazes: the motifs
are usually filled with brown glaze and the remainder of 125
the body covered with green.” Brown (2002a: 57) labels it
simply “northern Vietnam” and dates it 12 th –14 th centuries.
(Cf. Brown 1988: pl Ic, which she identifies as Thanh-hoa,
11 th –13 th centuries.)
Dish with carved lotus
9 th –10 th C
H: 3.5 cm, D: 12.5 cm
NUS Museum S31095-0
Square rim; glaze is pale green where it pools; four spur
marks and carved lotus on central medallion enclosed by
three incised lines; wheel marks on buff-coloured base
which has no foot. (Cf. Brown 1988: pl IV (bowls) of similar
type. She identifies these as Thanh-hoa, c. 12 th –13 th C.)