Page 17 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 17
Southeast Asian Ceramics New Light on Old Pottery
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16 th C
H: 5.9 cm, D: 7.1 cm
NUS Museum S1972-011-001-0
Moulded into a six-sided jarlet; flattened globular shape
with flat shoulder; decoration in underglaze blue-black; Vietnam
around collar, six pentagonal shapes comprising foliage- Jarlet, blue and white
type motif alternating with geometric designs and on the
body, six hexagonal panels with similar alternating motifs; Vietnam
undecorated base; fine carved foot. 15 th C
H: 8.8 cm, D: 9.9 cm
opposite (clockwise, from top left): NUS Museum S1967-0014-001-0
“Moulded in eight lobes; with a collar of scalloped petals
Jarlet, blue and white with floral and animal motif
Vietnam on the upper shoulder, and on the lower shoulder a band 133
of four cloud-scrolls; the body with a scroll comprising four
16 th –17 th C peonies; all painted in a bright underglaze royal blue, with
H: 6.7 cm, D: 7.1 cm some heaping and piling; the carved footrim and recessed
NUS Museum S1980-0219-001-0 base with a putt-coloured biscuit.” (Willetts 1971: pl 77)
Squat ovoid shape with narrow neck, flared mouth and
a wide base; cloud scrolls around collar in royal blue Jarlet, blue and white with four handles
underglaze; body painted with floral and animal motif. Hai Duong kilns
15 th –16 th C
Jarlet, blue and white H: 8.1 cm, D: 9.5 cm
Vietnam NUS Museum S1967-0013-001-0
15 th C “Flattened globular form with short neck and narrow mouth,
H: 8.6 cm, D: 9 cm four lugs placed around shoulder; double circular bands
NUS Museum S1980-0206-001-0 divide the collar, upper and lower body; collar decorated
Octagonal form, lotus leaf collar, orchid-like plant alternating with scallop-shaped motif; body with floral blooms and
with panels of wave and diaper patterns; no cloud scrolls; vegetal scrolls; lower body decorated with cloud scrolls;
carved footrim, putty-coloured biscuit. (Similar to Willetts fine carved foot.” (Willets 1971: pl 55; see also Brown
1971: pl 58) 2002a: 89)