Page 18 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 18
Southeast Asian Ceramics New Light on Old Pottery
this page (from top):
Ewer a. Miniature box, cover missing
Vietnam Northern Vietnam, possibly Chu Dau
15 th –16 th C 15 th C
H: 17.5 cm, W: 11 cm, L: 21.5 cm D: 4 cm, H: 2 cm
Private Collection
Pouring vessel modelled in the shape of an elephant;
b. the tail as a handle and the trunk as a spout; anatomical Exterior decorated with a horizontal band of lotus petals Vietnam
parts and decorations of florettes in blue underglaze with between two lines; interior grey-green glaze with visible
evidence of heap and pile. Similar elephants have been pooling in well; rim and recessed base unglazed.
found in the Philippines. (See Gotuaco, Tan & Diem 1997: b. Miniature box, cover missing
252 pl V28)
Northern Vietnam, possibly Chu Dau
Jar lid 15 th C
Vietnam D: 5.6 cm, H: 2.5 cm
15 th C ACM HC SEA 010 135
D: 9.9 cm, H: 3 cm Moulded form corresponding to decorative panels of
ACM HC SEA 008 alternating designs comprising four-petaled flowers and
Exterior décor in blue undergalze; lotus petals around a leaf scrolls; all in blue underglaze; a fine grey-green glaze
c. in interior; rim and recessed base unglazed.
missing handle; ogival panels comprising peony blooms and
leaf motif on a cross-hatched background; rim undecorated; c. Miniature box, cover missing Bottle, blue and white with floral motif
interior unglazed.
Northern Vietnam, possibly Chu Dau Vietnam
opposite (clockwise from top): 15 th C 17 th C
D: 6.4 cm, H: 3cm H: 9 cm, D: 6.5 cm
Box with cover, octagonal with crab motif ACM HC SEA 009 NUS Museum NU93057
Vietnam Exterior decorated in bright blue underglaze of four visible Four-sided bottle with tapering neck and thick mouthrim;
Unknown panels of alternating wave and leaf scroll motifs; panels decorated in blue underglaze; two horizontal bands around
H: 6.5 cm, D: 9.5 cm separated by vertical lines; around base, three horizontal neck; collar with pentagonal shapes with geometric cross-
NUS Museum NU93047-0 bands in blue-green underglaze; rim unglazed; interior with shaped motifs; four hexagonal panels on each side of the
Octagonal box in white with crab motif in blue on cover; a grey-green glaze with slight pooling in well; unglazed body with floral décor; lower body diaper and dot pattern;
partially glazed interior. recessed base. carved foot.