Page 23 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 23
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this page (clockwise from top left):
1a. Storage jar
Stoneware, Guangdong
L: 3.7 cm, W: 3 cm
a. NMS A 0536
Mottled dark brown glaze on exterior flaking off; body with c.
red inclusions.
1b. Lug
Stoneware jar, Fujian or Guangdong
L: 9.5 cm, W: 6 cm b.
NMS A 0268
Thick black flaking glazing; pinkish slip.
2a. Dish, centre medallion and foot
Blue and white ware, unknown kiln 3
L: 10 cm, W: 7.3 cm, H: 2 cm
NMS A 0536
Blue overglaze on cream background; pink slip visible
on foot; décor on centre medallion of leaves and bands;
scallop border on foot.
2b. Dish, centre medallion and foot
Blue and white ware, unknown kiln
L: 12.5 cm, W: 2.7 cm
NMS A 0201 38.162f
c. On centre medallion, décor in underglaze matt blue of
a central cloud scroll surrounded by herons and border
of bands comprising continous cloud scrolls; exterior a.
leaf motif (?).
2c. Bowl opposite: b.
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen (?) a. Plate, centre medallion and foot
D: 14.6 cm (?), H: 6 cm Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
NMS A 0536 L: 10.3 cm, W: 6.3 cm, H: 1.5 cm
Centre medallion with a floral bloom within a cloud NMS A 0536
scroll border; on rim, border of indistinct motif; cavetto Dragon motif within a double circular border in blue Chinese Wares found in Southeast Asia
undecorated; exterior has three bands; base white-glazed. underglaze; on foot, two circular rings and kiln residue;
base interior glazed white.
3a. Dish, cavetto and centre medallion
Watery greenish-yellow glaze, unknown kiln b. Dish, centre medallion (?)
L: 4.5 cm, W: 3.5 cm Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
NMS A 0536
d. L: 5.5 cm, H: 4.6 cm
Pale creamy crackled glaze; stacking ring on centre NMS A 0536
medallion with an iron black green-edged band; Blue underglaze décor of scenery/landscape with a horse (?).
no visible décor on exterior.
c. Plate, centre medallion and foot
3b. Dish, centre medallion and foot Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
e. Stoneware, unknown kiln L: 4.8 cm, W: 4.5 cm, H: 1.5 cm
L: 7.5 cm, W: 2.5 cm, H: 1.3 cm NMS A 0536
NMS A 0536 On centre medallion, scenery with Chinese type house;
On centre medallion, an iron black circular border; on on exterior, two circular bands on foot; base interior
exterior, another near foot; black glaze turns green where glazed white.
white glaze covers it; carved foot; base interior unglazed.
d. Bowl base
Bowl mouthrim Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
L: 5.5 cm, H: 3.2 cm L: 11.7 cm, H: 3.2 cm
Qingbai Jingdezhen NMS A 0546
NMS A 0536 Centre medallion of single floral bloom surrounded by 145
Foliate mouthrim moulded into sections; even white glaze scrolls (lotus/leaf/cloud?), bordered by two circular bands;
interior and exterior.
exterior no visible décor.
(bottom right): e. Plate, centre and foot
Stem cup, celadon Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
Dehua L: 6.8 cm, W: 5 cm, H: 1 cm
14 th C NMS A 0536
D: 11.5 cm, H: 9.2 cm Centre medallion bordered by spirals and circular bands;
ACM HC SEA 026 two circular bands on foot; base interior glazed white.
Stem cup with everted rim; interior centre medallion with
moulded lotus panels; cavetto incised with 2 dragons picked f. Lid
out in white; visible inclusions on exterior, one on wall Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
and one on foot, as well as bubbles; base interior mostly L: 4.3 cm, W: 3.3 cm, H: 1.3 cm
unglazed but has a ring of glaze. (Compare Chen & Yeung NMS A 0536
1990: 95, items 74 and 75) On exterior central motif of petals.