Page 26 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 26

Southeast Asian Ceramics New Light on Old Pottery

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        this page (clockwise from top left):
        1a. Dish, centre medallion and foot                           c.
        Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
        L: 6.7 cm, W: 5 cm, H: 1.5 cm
        NMS A 0536
        Décor in underglaze blue; interior has scenery and a
        Chinese-style house; on foot, scallop décor within two                      b.
        circular bands; base interior glazed white.
                                                                                                                                                                                         above (from left):
        1b. Lid (?)                                                                                                                                                                      Jar rim and shoulder
        Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen                                                                                                                                                  Brown-glazed stoneware, Guangdong or Fujian
        L: 6 cm, W: 4 cm                                                                                                                                                                 14 th  C
        NMS A 0536                                                                                                                                                                       L: 7 cm, H: 2.5 cm
        Décor on exterior in underglaze blue of a Chinese-style                                                                                                                          NMS A 0201 38.162f
        pavilion; interior glazed white with no visible décor;                                                                                                                           Grey biscuit and greenish-brown glaze on interior and
        carved rim.                                                                                                                                     this page (from top left):       exterior; on collar, three incised horizontal bands.
        1c. Bowl, centre medallion and foot                                                                                                             1a. Lid for a jar                Base of “smallmouth bottle”
        Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen                                                                                                                 Porcelain enamelware, Jingdezhen  Stoneware
        L: 5 cm, W: 4.5 cm, H: 2.5 cm                                                                                                                   D: 5.1 cm, H: 1.2 cm             D: 6.2 cm, Base D: 3.7 cm, H: 3.9 cm
        NMS A 0536                                                                                                                                      NMS A 0345 38.163 p              NMS A 0344
        Interior decorated in blue underglaze with scenery and a                                                                                        Flat cap in dirty beige biscuit; exterior glazed and decorated   Type of bottle found in 12 th  to 14 th -century sites in many
        man fishing on a boat (?); exterior with cloud scrolls and                                                                                       with single flower bloom in pink overglaze enamel and   parts of Southeast Asia. This sherd may have belonged to a
        three bands on foot.                                                                                                                            leaves in green, encircled by an underglaze blue band.  vessel in use for a long time; it was very sturdily constructed.
        1d. Plate/Dish, centre medallion and foot                                                                                                       1b. Bowl/cup rim                 below:
        Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen                                                                                                                 Jingdezhen enamelware
        L: 6 cm, W: 5.5 cm, H: 1.5 cm                                                                                                                   L: 4 cm, W: 4 cm                 2a. Bowl rim
        NMS A 0536                                                                                                                                      Jingdezhen enamelware            L: 5.5 cm, W: 4 cm
        Centre medallion decorated with vegetal motif bordered                                                                                          NMS A 0536                       Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
        by two circular bands; exterior décor contains at least two                                                                                     In interior, two thin incised lines filled with red; on interior   NMS A 0536
        circular bands; base interior glazed and painted with a                                                                                         and exterior, glazing shows halo of other motifs, probably   Cavetto has no visible décor except two faint bands in blue
        stamp in Chinese characters.                                                                                                                    overglaze green.                 underglaze near rim; exterior wall has leaf scrolls and two
                                                                                                                                                                                         bands near rim.
        2a. Bowl, cavetto                                                                                                                               Dish base and foot
        Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen                                                                                                                 Celadon, possibly Longquan       2b. Bowl rim
        L: 5.6 cm, W: 4.5 cm                                                                                                                            L: 8.1 cm, W: 6.2 cm             L: 6 cm, W: 3.3 cm
        NMS A 0536                                                                                                                                      NMS A 0344                       Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
        Décor in blue underglaze on interior and exterior;    below (from left):                                                                        Thick even celadon glaze; recessed foot.  NMS A 0536
        interior motif lantern (?).                                                                                                                                                      Foliate rim decorated in dark blue underlaze; on interior,
                                         Cavetto (bowl, plate or dish?), front and back                                                                 Dish, centre medallion and foot  cloud scrolls within horizontal borders; on exterior,
        2b. Bowl/Plate (?)               Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen                                                                                L: 10.5 cm, W: 6.8 cm, H: 2 cm   unknown motif.
        Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen  L: 7.8 cm, W: 4.7 cm                                                                                           Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou                                      Chinese Wares found in Southeast Asia
        L: 6 cm, W: 5.5 cm               NMS A 0536                                                                                                     NMS A 0536                       Rim of a dish, or possibly a tile
        NMS A 0536                       Décor in underglaze blue; interior filled with spiral motif;                                                    Centre medallion: floral and leaf motif with circular    L: 4.5 cm, H: 3.8 cm, Thickness: 0.8 cm
        Interior decorated in blue underglaze with indistinct motifs.  exterior motif indistinct.                                                       borders painted in blue underglaze; on exterior, a circular   Green-glazed ware, Guangdong
                                                                                                                                                        band on lower body and two on foot; base interior glazed   NMS A 0269
        Bowl                             Storage jar                                                                                                    and has a painted mark of four characters within a double   Grey biscuit, thin crackled sea-green glaze with no visible
        Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen  Stoneware, Guangdong type                                                                                      circular border.                 décor on the interior and exterior.
        D: 15.5 cm, H: 5.5 cm            L: 8.8 cm, H: 6.5 cm
        NMS A 0536                       NMS A 0344
        Shallow bowl, probably covered; unglazed rim; interior   Grey biscuit decorated with a monster-mask handle (tao tie)                             2
        white glazed with no decoration except one blue mark;   typical of the 14 th  century. It may once have been coated                                        a.
        exterior walls decorated in blue underglaze with floral and   with a brown glaze; often the coating flaked off this type of
        leaf scrolls bordered by two circular bands; three others on   ware. Such jars may have remained in use for a long time
        a broken foot; base interior glazed white.  before they broke.

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