Page 27 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 27

Southeast Asian Ceramics New Light on Old Pottery





        this page (above):                                                                                                                                                                                                  Chinese Wares found in Southeast Asia
        a. Jar, mouth and shoulder       right (from top):                                                                                                                               above:
        Cizhou, China                                                                                                                                   this page (left, from top):
        14 th  C                         Fragment, copper red                                                                                                                            a. Plate base, blue background
        L:12 cm, W: 8.5 cm               Jingdezhen                                                                                                     Cup base                         Jingdezhen
        ACM HC SEA 014                   14 th  C                                                                                                       Jingdezhen, China                14 th  C
        Décor in thick brown underglaze with bubbling; indistinct   L: 7.2 cm                                                                           16 th  C                         L: 6.7 cm, H: 2.5 cm
        motifs with bands; glaze on rim appears worn, showing   ACM HC SEA 027                                                                          D: 4 cm, H: 1 cm                 ACM HC SEA 024
        a grey-brown biscuit; interior glazed brown on a white   Probably a jar fragment; décor on exterior in copper red                               ACM HC SEA 017                   Centre medallion of leaf and floral motif on dark blue
        slip. For a similar wine jar discovered in south Sulawesi,   underglaze of floral and cloud motifs; interior unglazed                            Décor on interior and exterior in blue underglaze; centre   background; exterior wall white glaze with a faint blue
        Indonesia (see Sumarah Adhyatman 1980: 76–77 pl 24).   showing a grey biscuit with small black inclusions.                                      medallion of circular bands; exterior wall with vegetal    underglaze band around foot; base with pink slip on a
        Another from Salayar Island is in the Museum Nasional,                                                                                          scrolls and base interior glazed, with an inscription in   whitish biscuit.
        Jakarta (Bambang Sumadio et al 1980: 298–299 pl 91). The   Jar, shoulder                                                                        Chinese characters.
        Adam Malik Collection possessed another example, from   Jingdezhen                                                                                                               b. Plate base, blue background
        South Sulawesi (see Sumarah Adhyatman 1980: 76–77).  14 th  C                                                                                   Plate with vajra design, centre medallion and foot  Jingezhen
                                         L: 14 cm, W: 13 cm                                                                                             Jingdezhen, China                14 th  C
        b. Jar                           ACM HC SEA 022                                                                                                 Late 15 th  or early 16 th  C (Hongzhi or Zhengde)  L: 6 cm, H: 2.5 cm  153
        Cizhou, China                    Décor of blue underglaze in three registers separated by                                                       L: 12.8 cm, H: 2.5 cm            ACM HC SEA 025
        14 th  C                         double horizontal bands; nearest to neck, flame motif and a                                                     ACM HC SEA 018                   Cavetto of peony blossom and leaf scrolls on a dotted dark
        L: 4.5 cm, W: 4 cm               hoofed scaled animal’s two front legs; at middle, peony and                                                    On centre medallion, vajra motif in dark blue underglaze;   blue background; exterior decorated and glazed also but
        ACM HC SEA 016                   vegetal scrolls; at bottom, flower blooms and vegetal scrolls;                                                  cavetto of interlocking Y-shaped motifs; exterior wall of   indistinguishable motifs; base unglazed.
        Jar shoulder; décor of flower bloom and horizontal bands   interior grey-green glaze on putty-coloured biscuit.                                  cloud scrolls; orange biscuit at unglazed foot; base interior
        in brown-black underglaze; interior with brown-black glaze                                                                                      with thick white glaze.          c. Plate base, blue background
        showing bubbling and white spots.  Jar, rim and shoulder                                                                                                                         Jingdezhen
                                         Jingdezhen                                                                                                     Plate rim, blue and white        14 th  C
        c. Jar, shoulder                 14 th  C                                                                                                       Jindezhen                        L: 8 cm, W: 6 cm
        Cizhou, China                    L: 11.8 cm                                                                                                     14 th  C                         ACM HC SEA 023
        14 th  C                         ACM HC SEA 021                                                                                                 L: 8.2 cm, W: 6 cm               On centre medallion, heron and leaf scrolls on a dark blue
        L:10 cm, W: 6.2 cm               Rim has a square profile; moulded body with décor                                                               ACM HC SEA 028                   background; whitish biscuit and unglazed base. An intact
        ACM HC SEA 015                   following its contours; collar of lotus petals; on shoulder,                                                   Flat rim with classic scroll in blue underglaze; cavetto of   example of this design is found in the National Museum
        Décor of floral blooms on a cross-hatched background in   large moulded ovalish panels separated by cloud scrolls;                               lotus bloom and vegetal scrolls; exterior wall with lotus   Jakarta (Tuti Munawar et al 1985/86: 495–496 pl 179. For
        brown-black underglaze on a grey-brown biscuit with white   panels consist of floral, leaf and cloud scrolls; interior glazed                    panels in dark blue underglaze with one section where glaze   other intact examples, see Tian 2004: 179 pl 248, 189 pl
        particles; interior glazed in glossy brown-black.  in grey-green on a grey biscuit.                                                             is almost iron-black and presents traces of brown edges.  258, 191 pl 260.)
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