Page 25 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 25
Southeast Asian Ceramics New Light on Old Pottery
f. this page:
a. Dish, cavetto and foot d.
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
L: 5.5 cm, W: 4.5 cm
NMS A 0546
g. On cavetto, flower painted in underglaze blue; on centre
medallion, two horizontal bands and an indistinct motif;
a cruciform cloud scroll on exterior wall; two bands on foot.
b. Bowl rim (?)
e. Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
L: 7.5 cm, W: 3.4 cm
NMS A 0536
Flower/Leaf motif on exterior in underglaze blue, with two
bands near rim; interior glazed white with no visible décor.
h. c. Dish
Blue and white ware, unknown kiln
L: 6.5 cm, W: 5 cm
NMS A 0536
Décor in blue underglaze; motifs of cloud and floral scrolls. c. Jar, shoulder and upper body h. Jar (?) Chinese Wares found in Southeast Asia
i. Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou
d. Plate, centre medallion and foot H: 11 cm, W: 5.5 cm, Thickness: 0.6–1.8 cm L: 8.8 cm, W: 7 cm, Thickness: 2 cm
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen NMS A 0536 NMS A 0536
L: 5.5 cm, W: 3 cm, H: 1 cm Rim broken; exterior decorated in blue underglaze of Floral and vegetal décor in underglaze blue; pink slip
NMS A 0536 vegetal/floral motif; interior glazed white. and unglazed interior.
Vegetal décor in underglaze blue; foot with two circular d. Lid (?) i. Fragment
Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou Blue and white ware, unknown kiln
e. Dish, centre medallion and foot H: 4.6 cm, W: 3.7 cm L: 5.9 cm, W: 4 cm
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen NMS A 0536 NMS A 0536
L: 6.2 cm, W: 5.2 cm, H: 1.8 cm Crackled glazing; exterior décor in underglaze blue of Interior decorated in blue-green underglaze, motif indistinct;
l. NMS A 0546 indistinct motif; interior white glazed; rim unglazed. exterior glazed white with no other décor visible.
Décor on centre medallion in underglaze blue of scenery/ e. Dish, centre medallion and foot
architecture; two bands near foot. j. Bowl, cavetto and foot
Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou
f. Plate, centre medallion and foot L: 8 cm, W: 6 cm, H: 2 cm W: 4.8 cm, H: 6 cm
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen NMS A 0536 NMS A 0536
L: 8 cm, W: 6 cm, H: 1.8 cm Centre medallion with blue underglaze décor; a horizontal On exterior wall, a piece of another ceramic adhering to
NMS A 0536 band near foot; base glazed white with orange stacking side; foot uneven and glazed; décor in blue underglaze of
On centre medallion, underglaze blue flame motif and ring mark (?). bands and leaf motif.
three bands; on exterior, underglaze blue leaf motif and two f. Dish, centre medallion and foot 149
bands on foot; interior of base glazed white. k. Dish, centre medallion and foot
Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou Blue and white ware, unknown kiln
opposite: L: 8.3 cm, W: 6 cm, H: 2 cm L: 8.5 cm, W: 7.8 cm, H: 2.6 cm
a. Jar, mouth, neck and collar NMS A 0536 NMS A 0536
Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou Thick glazing; centre medallion with leaf motif and bands Indistinct motif in blue underglaze on centre medallion;
L: 9.5 cm, W: 5 cm, H: 4 cm in blue underglaze; one circular band near foot with kiln on exterior, a circular band near foot which bears traces
NMS A 0536 residue; exterior fully glazed. of kiln residue.
Thick crackled glazing; on exterior, decoration in underglaze g. Dish, centre medallion and foot
blue; interior white glazed. l. Dish, centre medallion and foot
Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou
b. Lid L: 7.9, W: 5.2, H: 3.3 L: 8.9 cm, W: 8 cm, H: 2.2 cm
Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou NMS A 0536 NMS A 0536
L: 9 cm, W: 7.5 cm, H: 3.5 cm Biscuit in pinkish orange and grey; centre medallion Thick crackled glazing with bubbles; centre medallion with
NMS A 0536 decorated in blue underglaze with indistinct motif and leaf motif in underglaze blue; white glaze on exterior with
two bands; on lower wall and foot, two bands. a single thin blue line, very faint; base interior glazed; kiln
Exterior has floral motif in blue underglaze; short flat handle;
interior has white-grey glaze. residue on foot.