Page 24 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 24
Southeast Asian Ceramics New Light on Old Pottery
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a. b.
a. c.
this page (from top left):
1a. Cup bottom c.
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
D: 4.7 cm, H: 1.8 cm
NMS A 0536
Centre medallion comprising a floral/foliage motif encircled
by one band; shallow foot bordered by one circular band;
base interior glazed.
this page (from top):
1b. Cup bottom d.
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen 1a. Jar collar (?)
D: 3.6 cm, H: 1.2 cm L: 9 cm, W: 6.5 cm
NMS A 0536 Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
d. NMS A 0536
Centre medallion indistinct motif within a circular border
painted in underglaze blue; on foot, a circular band; base Blue underglaze décor of vegetal/floral motif and two
unglazed. bands; interior white glazed.
1c. Cup bottom 1b. Dish, centre medallion and foot
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou
D: 3.8 cm (?), H: 1.5 cm L: 15 cm, W: 6.5 cm, H: 1.8 cm
NMS A 0536 NMS A 0536
Flower medallion in centre in blue underglaze; one circular On centre medallion cloud/leaf motif in blue underglaze
band around foot. with bands of differing width as borders; on exterior, single
band near foot; kiln residue on foot; base interior glazed
1d. Bowl rim (?) white with one blue spot.
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
L: 3 cm, H: 4 cm 1c. Bowl cavetto (?)
NMS A 0536 Blue and white ware
Interior white glazed with no visible décor on cavetto; L: 10.5 cm, W: 5 cm, Thickness: 0.8 cm Chinese Wares found in Southeast Asia
exterior motif of bird in blue underglaze. NMS A 0536
Décor in blue underglaze; interior with floral/vegetal motif;
1e. Miniature jarlet, mouth and shoulder exterior motif indistinct; residue mark on bottom right
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen corner of exterior.
2 L: 4 cm (?), H: 1.3 cm 2
NMS A 0536 1d. Dish, centre medallion and foot
Lotus pattern in blue underglaze around collar. Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou
L: 13.6 cm, W: 7.7 cm, H: 2 cm
2a. Bowl rim NMS A 0536
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen
a. Leaf motif on centre medallion with three circular bands in
L: 8 cm, W: 3.6 cm underglaze blue; one band on exterior; lower body, foot and
NMS A 0536 base have kiln residue. a.
Diaper pattern on rim interior; exterior has no visible décor.
1e. Dish, centre medallion and foot
2b. Dish rim (?) Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou
L: 5.7 cm, W: 4.5 cm L: 7 cm, W: 5 cm, H: 2.2 cm
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen NMS A 0536
NMS A 0536 Blue underglaze of indistinct motif; exterior and base
Flat upturned lip decorated with geometric patterns and interior glazed with no other visible motif.
a two-band border; exterior has indistinct motif and two
bands in underglaze blue. 2a. Small dish (saucer?), cavetto and base 147
b. Blue and white ware, Zhangzhou
3a. Potiche lid (rim?) L: 6.1 cm, W: 4.2 cm, H: 2.3 cm
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen NMS A 0536
L: 3.3 cm, H: 2.8 cm Two circular bands on cavetto, one near centre medallion
NMS A 0536 and the other near lip; stacking ring; exterior rim bordered b.
Moulded form, square carved rim unglazed; two horizontal by a frieze of dots within two bands; another band at mid-
bands on exterior in blue underglaze; bubbles in glazing; body; unglazed recessed base.
interior white glazed.
2b. Fragment
3b. Bowl, lower body and foot Blue and white ware, unknown kiln
Blue and white ware, Jingdezhen L: 3.8 cm, W: 3.5 cm
L: 5.2 cm, W: 3.8 cm NMS A 0201 (placed in A 0536 batch)
NMS A 0536 Very flat piece, interior indistinguishable from exterior; on
Moulded form; exterior decorated in underglaze blue; one side, interlocking geometric motif in Y-shape in dark
interior white glaze with no visible décor; foot broken; base blue underglaze; on the other, an indistinct motif obscured
interior glazed white. by a sticker.