Page 20 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 20
Southeast Asian Ceramics New Light on Old Pottery
Ewer, blue and white, rooster-shaped
15 th C
this page: H: 7.7 cm, D: 8.2 cm
Jar, blue and white NUS Museum S1968-0120-001-0
Vietnam Depressed globular shape with a short neck, a moulded
16 th C rooster head for a spout and a think flat handle; decorated
H: 21 cm, D: 16 cm in blue underglaze; cloud-scrolls on the neck; a lotus-petal
NUS Museum S1999-0009-007-0 collar and flora motif on the body. Such ewers have been
found as far from Vietnam as Banggai, south Sulawesi 139
Wide mouth with unglazed rim (probably had a lid); décor
in cobalt blue underglaze divided into three registers by (Sumarah Adhyatman 1980: 178–179).
three horizontal bands; collar with stylised cloud motif; body Ewer with lid and handle, blue and white
with floral and vegetal scrolls; lower body in lotus panels.
16 th C
opposite (clockwise from top left):
H: 19.5 cm, D: 21 cm
Vessel, pouring NUS Museum S1999-0009-004-0
Vietnam, Hanoi Globular-shaped with slightly everted mouthrim, a short Ewer, blue and white
13 th –14 th C neck, an elaborately turned handle and a long teapot-like Vietnam
H: 7 cm, W: 17 cm spout; decorated in blue underglaze throughout, even on 16 th C
NUS Museum S2002-0002-003-0 handle and spout; a circle of lotus petals on lid, another H: 22 cm, D: 18 cm
In the form of twin crested birds with moulded heads which on collar; two-thirds of body consists in four rounded NUS Museum S1999-0009-006-0
serve as spout and moulded but non-functional tails; the rectangular panels comprising leaf and flower motif, Ewer blue and white, similar décor to previous item
anatomical parts picked out in blue; missing cover. (From separated by wave motif; lower body with perfunctory lotus but no handle, shorter stubby spout; has a carved
the Sinclair Collection. Compare with cover of Willetts 1971 panels; splayed foot with chocolate slip at bottom (Willetts perfunctory handle in cloud form (probably not
and pl 85. Cf. also Young et al 1982: 107 pl 103.) 1971: pl 60). functional); chocolate base.