Page 106 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 106

Seal impressions on Calligraphy after Wan Wei by    Seal impressions on Embroidery of famous Song and Yuan Paintings by
          Wan Duo, collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing  Han Ximeng, dated to Chongzhen seventh year,
                     北京故宮博物院藏,                                 collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                明崇禎十六年王鐸《行楷萬維詩》卷                         北京故宮博物院藏,明崇禎七年韓希孟繡《顧繡宋元名跡冊》,
                                                       著錄於《經綸無盡:故宮藏織繡書畫》,紫禁城出版社,2006 年,頁 154

         2935 Continued

         The inscriptions on the current seals indicate that they were used   「載治之印」及「秘晉齋印」為清乾隆帝第十一子永瑆的曾孫載治
         as personal seals by Aisin Gioro Zaizhi (1839-1880), the great great   (1839-1880)的自用印。此兩印曾鈐記在被奉為「中華第一帖」的西
         grandson of the Qianlong Emperor, and a cousin to the Tongzhi and
         Guangxu Emperors. The same seal impressions can be found on a   晉《平復帖》上,其為西晉大文人陸機手書真跡,是中國已見最古老的
         number of important paintings and calligraphy, most notably on the   紙本法書,又是漢隸到草書間過渡階段的佳作,及章草的最初形態。《平
         revered Pingfu tie, a calligraphic work by the Western Jin master Lu Ji.   復帖》歷經唐殷浩、宋王貽永、李瑋、宋徽宗、明韓世能、張醜等歷代
         It is recorded that the Pingfu tie had been through the hands of multiple   帝皇文士所遞藏。入清以後,輾轉先後落入清初兩大鑑藏家梁清標及安
         prominent collectors throughout history, including the Song Emperor   岐手中。安岐去世後,再經傅恒之手轉入清內府,為乾隆皇帝母親孝聖
         Huizong, until it entered the Imperial Household Collection during the
         Qianlong reign, and was possessed by Qianlong’s mother the Empress   憲皇太后所藏,原陳設於壽康宮。乾隆四十二年(1777 年)孝聖憲皇太
         Dowager. After the decease of the Empress Dowager, the Pingfu tie   后崩,《平復帖》作為「遺賜」,被賞予乾隆皇十一子永瑆。《平復帖》
         was bequeathed to the eleventh son of Qianlong, Yongxing, which was   到了成親王府,永瑆給自己取了一個室名「詒晉齋」,之後傳給了曾孫
         later passed on to Yongxing’s great grandson Zaizhi, original owner   載治,並鈐有「載治之印」及「秘晉齋印」兩方收藏印章。載治是奕紀
         of the current seals. It is evident that Zaizhi liked to use these two
         seals on works treasured by him, since the Pingfu tie is considered the   的兒子,過繼給了奕瑋;奕紀是綿懿的第三子:綿懿是永瑆的第二子,
         earliest known calligraphic work on paper in the history of China. These   而過繼給永璋 ( 永瑆的三哥 )。從上列世裔,可知《平復帖》從永瑆傳給
         two impressions can also be found on a calligraphic work by the early   他的曾孫——載治的經過。載治卒於光緒六年(1880 年),那時他的兩
         Qing literati Wang Duo, Calligraphy after Wang Wei, now in the Palace   個兒子溥倫和溥侗才只有幾歲。光緒帝派奕訢(道光帝第六子)代管治
         Museum Collection (museum no. xin 00086443).      王府的事務。奕訢知道《平復帖》是一件重寶,托言溥倫等年幼,為慎
         On the current white soapstone, the signature Shang Jun is inscribed.   重起見攜至恭王府代為保管,從此將之據為己有。卷中「皇六子和碩恭
         Shangjun is the pseudonym of Zhou Bin, a native of Zhangzhou, Fujian   親王圖章」,就是他的印記。宣統二年(1910 年)奕之孫溥偉在帖上
         province, who was a renowned carver of seal finials, and is thought to
         have worked during the mid to late 17th century.  自題一跋,稱「謹以錫晉名齋」,並將永瑆的《治晉齋記》及七律、七
                                                           絕各一首抄錄在後面。1911 年,清室被推翻,溥偉逃往青島圖謀復辟,
                                                           《平復帖》留給了他在北京的兩個弟弟—溥儒、溥德。1937 年,溥儒等
                                                           龍鈕,雕工同樣精細, 足見二印印主身份之尊貴。
                                                           物院藏王鐸《行楷萬維詩》(文物號:新 00086443)及明崇禎七年韓希

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