Page 107 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 107
A TIANHUANGDONG ‘CICADA’ SEAL 清雍正 田黃凍蟬鈕「兢兢業業」印(17.2 克)
The oval seal is surmounted by a cicada-form finial, the seal
face carved with four characters Jingjing yeye, ‘Cautious and 此印呈橘皮黃色,蘿蔔紋細密,質潤姿溫、明澤而不澀。作橢圓形,形
Conscientious’. 制規範。頂部圓雕蟬鈕,刻琢工藝精妙絕倫。刻減地陽文「兢兢業業」
1 … / ”ÿ in. (2.7 cm.) long, 17.2 g 印文,非常有可能就是雍正皇帝自用、「兢兢業業」寶璽之一。
HK$800,000-1,200,000 US$110,000-150,000 根據雍正元年清宮造辦處檔案,有明確記載的「兢兢業業」寶璽製作數
The inscription on the seal face of the current lot, Jingjing yeye,
'Cautious and Conscientious', can be found on an exclusive group of 內物府造辦處檔案總匯》,第一冊,雍正元年—雍正四年,頁 9、49、
imperial seals made for the Yongzheng Emperor. According to the 197、198);而通過查閱故宮博物院藏《清代帝后寶璽印譜・雍正卷》
Comprehensive Records of Zaobanchu Workshops, a total of seven 可知,目前北京故宮博物院尚存有「兢兢業業」璽三方(見《清代帝后
seals inscribed with Jingjing yeye were made in the first year of the 寶璽印譜》雍正卷頁 5、33)。本印與《清代帝后寶璽印譜》中的三方「兢
Yongzheng reign. It is known that three seals with this inscription
are now preserved in the Palace Museum in Beijing, with their seal 兢業業」寶璽的篆法風格可說是如出一轍,極有可能出自同一篆稿人,
impressions illustrated in Guo Fuxiang, Qingdai dihou baoxi yinpu 同屬雍正元年製作的七方「兢兢業業」寶璽之一。而本印材質及雕刻風
[Catalogue of Imperial Seals of the Qing Dynasty], Beijing, 2005, pp. 5 格亦與雍正時期印章相符。雍正帝寶璽質地以壽山石居多,其原因是康
and 33. The calligraphic style of the characters on the current seal is 熙時期是壽山石開採和雕刻的鼎盛時期,雍正時期壽山石充足。雍正時
very similar to the impressions of the three seals in the Palace Museum, 期的寶璽雕刻特點,鈕多為瑞獸鈕,印鈕雕刻精美。
suggesting they were carved based on the same draft. It is therefore
highly likely that the current seal belongs to this group of seven seals 此印印文「兢兢業業」語出《尚書皋陶謨》:「無教逸欲有邦,兢兢業
made specifically for the Yongzheng Emperor in his first year of
ascending the throne. 業,一日二日萬幾。無曠庶官,天工人其代之?」意思是說「為人君當
impression seal face
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