Page 16 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 16
MING DYNASTY, EARLY 15TH CENTURY 此器大撇口,高束頸,頸外刻一圈蕉葉,溜肩鼓腹,肩部上下凸起兩道
The vase is heavily potted and deeply carved on the shoulder with 一道弦紋,猶如置瓶於座上。通體施青釉,足底無釉。
a wide band of chrysanthemum scroll bearing three large blossoms
above a narrow band of foliate scroll and upright petals on the 來源
lower body. The flaring mouth rim is carved with horizontal 徐展堂珍藏
fluted bands and the neck incised with a band of upright plantain 紐約佳士得,2003 年 5 月 26 日,拍品 240 號
leaves. The whole raised on a foot moulded in imitation of a stand, 香港佳士得,2008 年 3 月 27 日,拍品 1842 號
covered with a thick glaze of olive-green tone, with the exception
of the unglazed foot ring. 展覽
25 æ in. (65.4 cm.) high
新加坡文物館,《文物粹珍》,新加坡,1992 年,圖版 68
HK$700,000-900,000 US$90,000-120,000 號
PROVENANCE 一件與本品極為相似,但器身飾纏枝牡丹之鳳尾尊,收錄於《世界陶磁
The T.T. Tsui Collection 全集・14・明》,東京,1976 年,編號 231。另一件藏於台北國立故宮
Sold at Christie’s New York, 26 May 2003, lot 240 博物院之相似例,刊載於《碧綠:明代龍泉窯青瓷》,台北:2009 年,
Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 27 March 2008, lot 1842 頁 158,圖版 81 號。另可參考一件倫敦大維德中國藝術基金會所藏之鳳
尾尊,據其瓶口下所記之銘文,得知其當於泰定四年〈即 1454 年〉所
The Empress Place Museum, Gems of Chinese Art: Selections 製,見畢宗陶,《Illustrated Catalogue of Celadon Wares in the Percival
of Chinese Ceramics and Bronzes from the Tsui Art Foundations, David Foundation of Chinese Art》,倫敦,1997 年,頁 35,編號 238。
Singapore, 1992, no. 68 類似形制還可參考一件出光博物館之館藏,其頸部長度較短,著錄於《出
A celadon vase of similar proportions with similar decoration on 光美術館藏品圖錄:中國陶磁》,東京,1987 年,編號 577。
the neck and lower body, but with a peony scroll rather than a
chrysanthemum scroll at the shoulder, is illustrated in Sekai toji zenshu:
Ming, Tokyo, 1976, vol. 14, no. 231. Similar example of similar height
can also be found in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, which is
illustrated in Tsai Mei-fen, Green: Longquan Celadon of the Ming
Dynasty, Taipei, 2009, p. 158, pl. 81. Compare, also, the well-known
celadon vase in the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, now on
long-term loan to the British Museum, with an incised inscription at the
base of its slender, tapering neck dating the vase to 1454, see Pierson,
Stacey, Illustrated Catalogue of Celadon Wares in the Percival David
Foundation of Chinese Art, London, 1997, p. 35, no. 238.
A vase of shorter height yet of similar shape, incised with foliate scroll
on the shoulder, but dated to Yuan dynasty, is illustrated in Chinese
Ceramics in the Idemitsu Collection, Tokyo, 1987, no. 577.