Page 71 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 71

fig. 1  © Foto: Ethnologisches Museum der Staatlichen Museen zu
                                                     Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
                                                      圖一  德國柏林民俗博物館藏品

               2922 Continued

               The eleven-headed form of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was highly   十一面觀音為觀世音菩薩的變化形式之一,於晚明至清極為盛行。此尊
               revered from the late Ming dynasty through the Qing dynasty. The   觀音像為少見的康熙時期作品,在風格上沿續了晚明雙臂高舉阿彌陀佛
               current figure is a superb and rare example of this deity rendered in gilt
               bronze from the Kangxi period, showing a continuation in style from its   的形象,但於面容及鑲嵌等細節上卻具有康熙造像的特點。
               Yuan and Ming predecessors.                       類似的多臂十一面觀音造像可參考:西雅圖美術館藏一尊明代千臂觀音
               Compare with related eleven-headed, multi-armed figures of   像,載於《Chinese Buddhist Bronzes》,1967 年,圖版 72 號;2009 年
               Avalokitesvara of the Ming period, all shown seated, one represented   9 月 16 日紐約蘇富比拍賣一尊明代二十四臂觀音銅造像,未鎏金,拍
               with thousand-arms from the Fuller Memorial Collection in the
               Seattle Art Museum, illustrated by H. Munsterberg, Chinese Buddhist   品 129 號;德國柏林民俗博物館藏一尊清代四十八臂觀音像,典藏編號
               Bronzes, 1967, no. 72; and a twenty-four-armed figure in bronze, sold   37174(圖一)。另可參考鴻禧美術館藏一尊七面二十四臂鎏金銅觀音
               at Sotheby’s New York, 16 September 2009, lot 129 (fig .1). Compare   像,載於《金銅佛造像圖錄》,台北,1993 年,頁 86-87,圖版 36 號。
               also to a fourty-eight-armed figure dated to the Qing dynasty in the
               Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Ethnologisches Museum,   此造像的蓮座背面鐫刻銘文:「大清康熙辛未年八月吉日造,大悲菩薩
               museum number: 37174; and a seven-headed twenty-four-armed gilt-  佛堂供奉,信女靳門高氏誠造。」靳門可能即指靳輔(1633-1692),
               bronze figure dated to 16th-17th century in the Chang Foundation,   其為康熙重臣,以治河有功知名。
               illustrated by James Spencer, Buddhist Images in Gilt Metal, Taipei,
               1993, pp. 86-87, no. 36.
               According to the inscription incised on the back side of the lotus base,
               the present figure was commissioned by Lady Gao of the Jin family,
               which may have been the family of Jin Fu (1633-1692), who was an
               important Kangxi-period official noted for his accomplishment in river

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