Page 285 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 285
propertY From a north amerICan prIVate stand set with five drawers carved with floral honolulu, 1982, pl. 46. Compare also one
CoLLeCtIon sprays, above a shaped and beaded apron formerly in the collection of the museum of
A ‘HUANGHUALI’ MIRROR STAND carved with delicately entwined foliate scroll, all Classical Chinese Furniture, published by Curtis
(WUPINGFENGSHI JINGTAI) raised on four short cabriole legs terminating in evarts in ‘the Classic of Lu Ban and Classical
scroll-form feet
Chinese Furniture’, Journal of the Classical
QING DYNASTY, 17TH / 18TH height 36 in., 91 cm; Width 26½ in., 67.3 cm; Chinese Furniture Society, Winter 1993, p. 41,
CENTURY Depth 16⅛ in., 41 cm fig. 19, which sold at Christie’s new York, 19th
september 1996, lot 56.
the top with an arched crestrail surmounted PROVENANCE
by a ‘flaming pearl’ and terminating in dragon- Christie’s Los angeles, 7th may 1999, lot 93. the motif on the central panel depicting a
head finials, above five shaped and beaded dragon above a leaping carp symbolizes
frames enclosing intricate openwork panels of a mirror stand of the same form and with nearly passing the imperial civil service examinations
graduated height, the center panel with a carp identical decoration, from the collection of the with distinction.
leaping through the Longmen gate transforming albright-Knox art Gallery, Buffalo, new York
into a writhing dragon amid scrolling clouds, was sold in these rooms, 19th march 2007, ◉ $ 60,000-80,000
flanked by panels of a phoenix soaring amid lot 318. another of similar form but with floral
flowering peony, the smallest side panels each carving from the Collection of the reverend 清十七 / 十八世紀 黃花梨五屏風
with flowering boughs emerging from rockwork, richard Fabian sold in these rooms, 15th 式鏡臺
two front panels of confronting chilong, each march 2016, lot 34. see also a slightly larger
surmounted with a lion-form finial, all enclosed example illustrated in r.h. ellsworth, Chinese 來源
by a low, foliate pierced gallery, the rectangular Hardwood Furniture in Hawaiian Collections, 洛杉磯佳士得1999年5月7日,編號93