Page 287 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 287

            propertY From a north amerICan prIVate   inset with nanmu burlwood panels, the top of   applied hinges, the clean lines of the cabinet
            CoLLeCtIon                        standard construction enclosing two softwood   are not interfered with. the rectangular metal
            A ‘HUANGHUALI’ AND ‘HUAMU’        floating panels, the interior fitted with two   plates with their lock receptacles and door
            ROUND-CORNER WOOD-HINGED          shelves, the lower over a pair of drawers, the   pulls not only serve a practical function, but
            CABINET (YUANJIAOGUI)             door frame members and the central stile fitted   are also judiciously placed as decoration for
                                                                                the otherwise completely plain piece. sloping-
                                              with three curved rectangular baitong plates
            QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY        with three square lock receptacles above three   stile wood-hinged cabinets are masterpiece of
                                              rectangular door pulls            Chinese cabinet makers.
            of rectangular section, the four main stiles   height 43 in., 109.2 cm; Width 32 in, 81.3 cm;
            molded and beaded on the three outside   Depth 17¼ in., 43.8 cm     Compare a pair of cupboards with a similar use
            corners, the doors flanking the removable                           of contrasting woods, burlwood door panels
            central stile and of standard mitered frame   one of the most ingenious and beautiful   and structural panels of huanghuali from the
            construction, each frame member and the   designs of classic Chinese furniture is the   collection of Charlotte horstmann, illustrated
            central stile molded with a raised half round   sloping-stile, wood-hinged cabinet. the four   in robert h. ellsworth, Chinese Furniture, new
            center edged by a flat narrow beaded band,   main stiles are recessed from the corners of the   York, 1970, pl. 122.  another smaller example is
            the outside stiles molded and finishing on   top and slope gently outward in a subtle, almost   illustrated in Grace Wu Bruce, Two Decades of
            an extended dowel, fitted into sockets in the   imperceptible splay. this simple design feature   Ming Furniture, Beijing, 2010, pl. 217.
            underside of the frame top and the horizontal   gives the cabinet its refined elegance and a
            shaped stretcher mortised and tenoned into   sense of balance and stability.  ◉ $ 40,000-50,000
            the main stiles below the doors, each door inset   the doors, with extended dowels on both ends,
            with a beautifully figured, nanmu burlwood   fit into sockets in the cabinet frame members   清十八世紀   黃花梨癭木門圓角櫃
            panel with two dovetailed transverse braces   and act as hinges. Free from the necessity of
            tenoned into the door frame, the sides similarly

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