Page 292 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 292

           propertY From an Important prIVate   PROVENANCE
                                            north american private Collection.
           A PAIR OF ‘ZITAN’ CONTINUOUS     Christie’s new York, 15th-16th september 2011,
           YOKEBACK ARMCHAIRS               lot 1329.
           (NANGUANMAOYI)                   $ 30,000-50,000

           each with an arched crestrail curving down to   清末   紫檀南官帽椅一對
           join the slightly backward sloping rear posts
           continuing through the frame to form the back   來源
           legs, and a wide rectangular s-shaped splat   北美私人收藏
           tenoned to the underside of the yoke and   紐約佳士得2011年9月15至16日,編號1329
           into the back rail of the seat frame, the gently
           serpentine arms pipe-jointed to the front posts,
           the rectangular seat frame enclosing a hard
           mat seat, the outside edge molded and tapering
           inwards, above crescent-outline beaded aprons,
           the legs joined by stretchers of ascending
           height (2)
           height 41 in., 104.2 cm; Width 23 in., 59.1 cm;
           Depth 18 in., 45.7 cm

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