Page 286 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 286


                                                                              propertY From a north amerICan prIVate
                                                                              A HUANGHUALI LOW TABLE
                                                                              QING DYNASTY, 17TH / 18TH
                                                                              with a well-figured two-board floating panel top
                                                                              of typical miter, mortise and tenon construction
                                                                              set into rectangular frame, and supported on
                                                                              the underside by four transverse stretchers,
                                                                              the rounded frame tapering inward to a thumb-
                                                                              molded channel and terminating in a beaded
                                                                              edge, above a narrow recessed waist continuing
                                                                              lively scrolling and beaded apron delicately
                                                                              carved with intertwining foliate motifs, all
                                                                              supported on four square-section cabriole
                                                                              legs with inside beaded edge, ending in inward
                                                                              scrolled feet
                                                                              height 12 in., 30.5 cm; Width 38⅜ in., 97.5 cm;
                                                                              Depth 24⅝ in., 62.5 cm
                                                                              ◉ $ 30,000-50,000
                                                                              清十七 / 十八世紀   黃花梨有束腰
                                           704                                雕卷草紋炕桌


                                                                              A ‘HUANGHUALI’ AND ‘DUAN’ STONE
                                                                              LOW TABLE (KANGZHUO)
                                                                              QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY
                                                                              the rectangular frame of standard miter,
                                                                              mortise and tenon construction, inset with a
                                                                              stone panel of a warm aubergine color with
                                                                              two large and several smaller characteristic
                                                                              inclusions of a pale gray-green tone, the molded
                                                                              edge frame above a recessed waist and straight
                                                                              beaded edge apron carved from a single piece,
                                                                              all supported on four cabriole legs beaded
                                                                              to the inner edge and terminating in slightly
                                                                              splayed feet
                                                                              height 15¼ in., 38.7 cm; Width 39¾ in., 101 cm;
                                                                              Depth 24¾ in., 62.9 cm
                                                                              sotheby’s new York, 29th november 1993, lot
                                                                              ◉ $ 20,000-30,000
                                                                              清十八世紀   黃花梨有束腰三彎腿


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