Page 340 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 340


           propertY oF a GentLeman          PROVENANCE                        清乾隆   青花八仙圖盌
           A BLUE AND WHITE ‘EIGHT          Collection of Dr. Julius morgenroth (1871-1924).   《大清乾隆年製》款
           IMMORTALS’ BOWL                  Collection of Gertrude morgenroth (1884-1966).
           QIANLONG SEAL MARK AND PERIOD    Collection of eva Lande (1909-2005).   來源
                                            american private Collection.      Julius Morgenroth 醫生 (1871-1924) 收藏,
           the deep rounded sides rising from a short   sotheby’s new York, 17th march 2009, lot 141   購於德國古董商
           straight foot to an everted rim, painted around   (part lot).      Gertrude Morgenroth (1884-1966) 收藏
           the exterior with the ‘eight Immortals’, each
           holding their respective attribute and standing   EXHIBITED        Eva Lande (1909-2005) 收藏
           amidst scrolling clouds and mist, the interior   akron art Institute, akron, ohio (until 1981).   美國私人收藏
           with a medallion enclosing the ‘three star   miami University art museum, oxford, ohio   紐約蘇富比2009年3月17日,編號141
           Gods’ beneath a pine tree, the base with a six-  (1981-2008).      (其一)
           character seal mark                                                展覽
           Diameter 5⅞ in., 14.9 cm         $ 5,000-7,000

           338     SOTHEBY’S          Important ChInese art
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