Page 345 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 345
propertY oF a LaDY Jiaqing ‘medallion’ bowls of this type appear
A BLUE-GROUND FAMILLE-ROSE to be relatively rare. the majority of the extant
SGRAFFIATO ‘MEDALLION’ BOWL examples known are from the Daoguang
period, such one in the palace museum,
JIAQING SEAL MARK AND PERIOD Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection
of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Porcelains
the deep rounded sides rising from a slightly with Cloisonné Enamel Decoration and Famille
tapered foot to a flared rim, decorated in bright Rose Decoration, hong Kong, 1999, pl. 215; and
enamels on the exterior with four medallions
enclosing scenes from the love story of niu a pair sold in our hong Kong rooms, 10th april
2006, lot 1725. see also an earlier example
Lang (the Cowherd) and Zhinü (the Weaving from the Qianlong period sold at Christie’s new
maid), divided by colorful billowing clouds, York, 1st october 1991, lot 1001.
all reserved on a blue ground finely incised
with feathery scrolls, the interior painted in $ 20,000-30,000
underglaze blue with a scene of the reunion of
the couple on the bridge of magpies over the 清嘉慶 藍地軋道粉彩開光
milky Way within a double circle, surrounded by
further magpies interspersed between billowing 天河配盌
clouds, the base with a six-character seal mark
in underglaze blue 《大清嘉慶年製》款
Diameter 5⅞ in., 15 cm