Page 349 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 349

            propertY From a north amerICan prIVate   Compare a similar vase with a single iron-red   清光緒   粉青地開光粉彩雙龍戲珠
            CoLLeCtIon                        dragon painted on the peach-form panel of   紋貫耳方壺
            A FAMILLE-ROSE CELADON-GROUND     the palace museum, Beijing, illustrated in The
            ‘DRAGON’ FANGHU-FORM VASE         Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace   《大清光緒年製》款
                                              Museum: Porcelains with Cloisonné Enamel
            GUANGXU MARK AND PERIOD           Decoration and Famille Rose Decoration, vol.
                                              39, hong Kong, 1999, pl. 242.
            the pear-shaped body of rectangular section
            rising from a straight foot to a quatrefoil rim,   $ 20,000-30,000
            the neck set with a pair of lug handles, the
            front and back sides each molded with a raised
            peach-form panel, covered overall with a pale
            celadon glaze and enameled in bright colors
            with gilt accents with a band of ruyi around
            the rim, the peach-form panel with a pair of
            dragons contesting a ‘flaming pearl’ above a
            row of lappets, the base inscribed with a six-
            character mark in underglaze blue
            height 12 in., 30.5 cm

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