Page 353 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 353

            propertY oF a soUthern CaLIFornIa prIVate   xunmei (‘seeking prunus in the snow’), followed   民國   何許人作粉彩踏雪尋梅圖
            CoLLeCtor                         by a signed inscription and two seals reading   詩文瓶
            A FAMILLE-ROSE ‘WINTER            Xuren and He Chu, the base with a four-
            LANDSCAPE’ VASE                   character seal mark in iron red reading Xuren   《許人出品》款
                                              chupin (‘made by Xuren’)
            BY HE XUREN, REPUBLIC PERIOD      height 8⅜ in., 21.2 cm            題識:
            finely painted around the body with a winter   PROVENANCE           踏雪尋梅
            riverscape scene, depicting a scholar on a                          許人何處倣王原祁筆意畫於湓浦
            donkey crossing a bridge, all surrounded   Gump’s, san Francisco, 1988.
            by snow-covered trees and mountains,   $ 30,000-50,000              印文:
            accompanied by a four-character title taxue
                                                                                許人 何處

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