Page 351 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 351
propertY From a north amerICan prIVate a pair of dishes with similar grisaille enameling,
CoLLeCtIon depicting various vegetables, and with single-
A RARE SET OF SIX IRON-RED AND dragon roundels in iron red, with similar marks
GRISAILLE-ENAMELED BOWLS and wuxing sunshi cang seals, was sold at
Christie’s south Kensington, 17th may 2013,
each with deep rounded sides rising from a $ 40,000-60,000
short straight foot to a gilt rim, the interior
enameled in iron red with a pair of dragons
contesting a ‘flaming pearl’ amidst ruyi clouds 清光緒 墨彩白描高士圖金文盌一
and flames, the exterior finely painted in 組六件
grisaille enamel with a scholar and attendant 《大清光緒年製》
engaged in leisurely pursuits in an outdoor
setting with seasonal foliage, with archaistic 《吳興孫氏藏》款
inscriptions, the base with a six-character reign
mark and a seal mark reading Wuxing sunshi
cang (collected by sun of Wuxing) in iron red
Diameter 5⅜ in., 13.7 cm