Page 98 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 98



           REGINA KRAHL

           the Qianlong emperor (r. 1736-1795) was not the first   Buddhist Lama, he had himself repeatedly painted in thangka
           manchu ruler to actively support tantric Buddhism.   format as on incarnation of the Bodhisattva manjushri, from
           Connections between the manchu ruling house and the Dalai   whose name the word manchu is believed to be derived
           Lama predated the manchu conquest of China. once on the   (fig. 1). he supported Chinese Buddhist monasteries in
           throne, the Qing (1644-1911) emperors eagerly promoted   general, but focused personally as well as politically on
           good relations to the Lamaist clergy, since support of this   tibetan Buddhism. he patronized the construction of many
           tibetan-mongolian brand of Buddhism was considered   monasteries of the Gelugpa sect, where he personally wrote
           politically advantageous, if not imperative, in order to win the   lintel inscriptions and foundation tablets. ancient sutras
           allegiance of tibetans and mongols. the manchu emperors   in his collection – like ancient paintings and calligraphies –
           thus made visits to holy sites of Lamaism and invited the   were impressed with his seals.
           Dalai Lama and other important Buddhist dignitaries to the   It was therefore only natural that he would be copying
           court in Beijing, they supported Buddhist building projects   Buddhist sutras himself, an act considered a meritorious
           in and around the imperial palaces, but also in the country at   deed, a way to accumulate blessings for one’s ancestors as
           large, and initiated Buddhist publishing and printing projects.   well as for oneself, and in the case of an emperor, for the
           they also collected ancient imperially sponsored sutras,   realm of the empire as a whole. his polished calligraphic
           and commissioned replacements of lost copies in order to   style that he diligently practiced, gave him the tool to
           assemble complete canons of Buddhist texts.
                                                     produce a superb work of art also from an aesthetic point
           even in this already Buddhist-friendly climate, the Qianlong   of view. as the inscription at the end of the second volume
           emperor’s engagement in Buddhist causes still represented   tells us, he worked for nearly a month on the copying of this
           an exception. as a true believer and a genuine practitioner of   sutra. Lavishly executed prototypes had been produced to
           tibetan Buddhism, this patronage was for him far more than   imperial order at least since the Yongle reign (1403-1424)
           a political necessity. Being considered an incarnate tibetan   of the preceding ming dynasty (1368-1644), several of

          Fig. 1  the Qianlong emperor as manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom. Freer Gallery
          of art and arthur m. sackler Gallery, smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.;
          purchase—Charles Lang Freer endowment and funds provided by a anonymous donor,
          圖一 乾隆皇帝佛裝像唐卡 弗瑞爾美術館與賽克勒美術館,史密森尼學會,華盛頓
          Purchase-Charles Lang Freer Endowment and funds provided by an anonymous donor,

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