Page 141 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 141


     guardian of the correct ways. 20 I am eager to

     establish laws and rules, and would not mind
     borrowing, for I fear that if the generals go over
     to Heita and the gentry leave to follow Xiao
     Yan, then our talents will have all dispersed, and
     how then could I run the country?"

In light of this historical background, it was almost
inevitable that the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi

should copy the southern style. Hence, the

following all reveal the fuller-figured style: the

Gushan caves in Handan, Hebei Province (i.e., the

North and South Xiangtangshan caves); the stone

carvings in the Shuiyu cave-temple; and the figures

on the steles unearthed in Xiangcheng and
Luoning counties in Henan Province in 1963,

which date from 559 (Northern Qi) and 565
(Northern Zhou) (cats. 157, 158); the carved stone
grotto statues of the Northern Qi unearthed in

1954 at the Huata Temple in Taiyuan, Shanxi                       Fig. 14. Mounted honor guard. Dated to $yo. Mural.
Province (cat. 156); and the earthen figures from                  Tomb of Lon Rui, Prince of Dong'an, Wangguo village,
Eastern Wei and Northern Qi tombs recently
                                                                   Taiyuan, Slianxi Province.
unearthed in Henan, Hebei, and Shanxi. In 1975 a
group of figures within a square setting, made of                 the Yang school, which was so popular during the
                                                                  Northern Qi. Zhang Yanyuan calls the period from
white marble and believed to date from the                        the Qi and Liang through the Chen and Zhou the
                                                                  Period of Recent Antiquity, and he discusses the
Northern Zhou, was discovered in Caotan, a                        paintings of Recent Antiquity thus:

northern suburb of Xi'an in Shaanxi Province                           Those from Recent Antiquity who can

(cat. 159). These figures, most likely from a                           compare with those of Middle Antiquity are
                                                                        Sengyou and Zihua. 25
multistoried stone pagoda, are also of the Northern
                                                                  Just as Gu and Lu were contemporaries, practiced
Qi style. Because many white marble figures came
                                                                  similar styles, were ranked as equals, and were
from Dingzhou, in Qi territory, there is speculation              considered comparable in excellence to the best
                                                                  painters of the preceding age, so Zhang and Yang
that these stone pagoda images may also have been                 were paired with each other and compared with

made in Qi territory. In 1987 a tomb discovered at                their predecessors Gu and Lu. Volume 2 of the Lidai
Wanzhang in Ci county, Hebei Province, proved to                  minghuaji lists Yang Zihua among those painters in
                                                                  central China during the Northern Qi period who
be the Wuning Mausoleum in which Gao Yang was
                                                                  had learned from Gu, Lu, and Zhang Sengyou:
buried, and its date is believed to be 560 (Northern
                                                                       Tian Sengliang.Yang Zihua, Yang Qidan, Zheng
Qi). In this tomb, as in the tomb of Lou Rui,                          Fashi, Dong Boren, Zhan Ziqian. Sun Shangzi,
                                                                        Yan Lide, andYan Liben learned from Gu, Lu,
Prince of Dong'an, discovered in 1979 atWangguo                         and Sengyou. 26
village in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, and dated to

570, there are large murals depicting a cavalry

honor guard; in both murals the full-fleshed bodies

are  particularly  obvious  (fig.              2I  Both  tomb


murals are drawn with simple and forceful lines,

and show a vitality in keeping with the high social
standing of those buried there. 22 Quite a number of

commentators believe that they may have been

done by the Northern Qi court painter Yang

Zihua. 23 Yang Zihua was the most highly regarded

of the Qi painters, and the early Tang artist Yan

Liben praised his works thus:

     As for painting people, the subtlest lines, the              Of these, Tian Sengliang.Yang Zihua. Zheng Fashi,
                                                                  Dong Boren. and Zhan Ziqian were famous during
     utmost beauty in simplicity, having little enough
                                                                  the Northern Qi and Zhou, 17 while Sun Shangzi
     so that not a single thing can be omitted, yet               and Yang Qidan were active during the Sui, and the
                                                                  Yan brothers during the early rang. Sengyou, in the
     just enough that nothing should be added                     phrase "learned from Gu. 1 u. and Sengyou,"

     cmonly Zihua  do this! 24                                    actually taught Tian, Yang, and the rest, whereas Gu

Although it is not certain that Yang did the murals               and Lu were the originators o! the style they
in the tombs of Gao Yang and Lou Rui, it is                       studied. Hence, the Lidai minghuaji also cites earlier
probably safe to say that they were in the style of

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