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Fig. 11. See Zhongguo shikusi          his achievements; he                 as Sequel to Catalogue of
     his own country and visited all the pagodas of                                                  yanjiu ("Studies of Temples in         encompasses the past and bears
    King Asoka in China. When he came to the                                                          Chinese Caves"), p. 108, jig. 4, and                                       13. Vol. 6 of the Lidai minghua ji
     Dashi Temple at Luo county in Chengdu, he                                                       p. wg, Jig. 5.                         the seeds of the future, yet         cites Zhang Huaiguan thus: "As
                                                                                                                                                                                 for Lu, Gu, and Zhang
      saw the forms of twelve spirits in the sky,                                                    Fig. 12. See Xinzhongguo de            stands out among both past and       Sengyou, commentators stress
      whereupon he studied the looks of each one                                                     kaogu faxian yu yanjiu                                                      each of their strengths, and
      and then carved their images at the base of                                                    ("Archaeological Discoveries and       present; he cannot be praised        these are all appropriate." This
     the temple's pagoda. They still survive today                                                   Studies of New China"), pi. 14$.                                            can be taken to mean that the
       (vol. 8)J6                                                                                                                           merely by effusiveness, and          styles in vogue during the three
                                                                                                     Fig. 13. See Zhongguo shikusi:                                              periods following the Eastern
These are all well-known examples. Extant sites                                                      Gongxian shikusi ("Chinese             Heexhausts all description.     is
                                                                                                     Cave Sculptures: Tlie Cave                                                 —Jin Liu Song, Qi, and Liang
such as the Mogao grottoes at Dunhuang indicate                                                      Temples of Gong County"), pi. 38.      the best of the best, there is
that even the earliest surviving caves show a                                                                                                                                    all differed, and hence different
                                                                                                     Fig. 14. See Wenwu, ig83;io,           nothing left to say ... so the       emphases were placed on them.
consistency of layout and a uniformity in design
                                                                                                     lower illustration on color page.      most I can do is place him in        14. Yiwen leiju, vol. 76, quoting
and style among both paintings and sculptures that                                                                                                                               the stele of the Buddha
                                                                                                     Fig. 16. See Zhongguo shiku:           Hethe first rank.  is the            Amitabha in thejmxiang
could only have been achieved by a single creator                                                    Dunhuang Mogao san                                                          Temple of Yongzhou, carved by
(fig. i6).That accounts for the roughly synchronous                                                  ("Chinese Cave Sculptures: The         toremost person ot the first         Liu Xiaoyi of the Liang
development of sculpture and painting in China                                                       Mogao Grottoes, Part 3"), pi. 114.                                          dynasty.
prior to the late Tang. From the Northern Song,                                                                                             rank."
                                                                                                    NOTES                                                                        15. Yiwen leiju, vol. 77, quoting
painters increasingly specialized in particular genres,                                                                                     7. Work team of the Henan            the inscription for the Buddha
                                                                                                     I. Wenhua dageming qijian chutu                                            Sakyamuni by Emperor Jianwen
and neither court painters nor literati painters                                                     wenwu ("Archaeological Relics          Provincial Bureau ot Relics,         of the Liang.
deigned any longer to sculpt. 17 Popular art                                                         Unearthed During the Cultural          Dengxian caisc huaxiang
preserved the tradition of linking painting and                                                                                             zhuangwu ("Color Paintings           16. See Lin Shuzhong, "Dating
sculpture, but in vulgarized styles that could no                                                    Revolution") (1990), vol. r,
longer properly reflect the tastes of the times.                                                                                            from a Brick Tomb in Deng            the Painted Brick Tomb of
                                                                                                     pp. H3-44-                                                                  Changzhou and the Art of the
Translated, from the Chinese, by June Mei.                                                                                                  County"), 1958.
                                                                                                     2. The edition of Lidtai minpnua                                            Painted Bricks," Wenwu, 1979:3.
                                          SOURCES FOR FIGURES                                       ji ("Record of Famous Painters           8. Relics Administration Office
                                                                                                     of All the Dynasties") cited in        of Xiangfan, "Xiangfan               17. In vol. 6 of Xu gaoseng
                                                  Fig. i. See Zhongguo shiku:                        this paper is based on the
                                                           Yongjing Binghngsi ("Chinese              original Xunyang edition of            Jiajiachong huaxiang zhuanmu"        zhuan ("Further Lives of
                                                           Cave Sculptures: Tlie Singling                                                   ("A Painted Brick Tomb in            Eminent Monks"), by the
                                                          Temple"), pi 21.                           Wangshi huayuan ("Wang's
                                                                                                     Garden of Paintings"), which is        Jiajiachong, Xiangfan"),            monk Daoxuan of the Tang
                                                  Fig. 2. See Zhongguo shiku:                                                               jianghan Archaeology, 1986:1.
                                                           Yongjing Binghngsi ^''Chinese            now in the Beijing University                                                dynasty.
                                                           Cave Sculptures: Tlie Singling                                                   9. According to the "Lidianxu"
                                                                                                     Library collection and which           ("Preface to the Book of             18. According to the
                                                                     Temple"), pi. 36.               dates back to the early Wanli          Rituals") in vol. 41 of the          "Biography of Cui Guang" in
                                                                                                    period. Although this version           Tongdian, "By an edict in the        vol. 67 of the Weishi ("History
                                                    Fig. 3. See Yungang shiku ("Tlie                contains more errors than the           second year of Yongnnng              of the Wei Dynasty"), "In the
                                                              Yungang Caves"), pi. 92.              one in Mao's Jiuguge edition of         during the reign ot Emperor          eighth month of the second
                                                                                                    Jindi mishu ("Secret Works of                                               year [of Shengui], Dowager
                                                  Fig. 4. See Zhongguo shiku:                                                               Wu of the Qi, the Minister           Empress Ling visited the
                                                     Yungang shiku er ("Chinese                      the Jindi"), it is nevertheless a                                          Yongning Temple and climbed
                                                          Cave Sculptures: The Yungang                                                      ordered the officials to establish   up the nine-story pagoda.
                                                                                                    reprint of the Shupeng half-                                                 Guang submitted a memorial,
                                                                      Caves, Part 2"), pi. 124.     page, 1 1 -line edition published       the Five Rituals. Then Emperor       saying ...'Although the image
                                                                                                    in Lin'an during the Southern                                                has not yet been constructed,
                                                Fig. 3. See Wenhua dageming                         Song, and is the earliest extant        Wu of the Liang ordered the
                                             qijian chutu wenwu                                     copy of the Lidai minghua ji.                                               this is already the home of the
                                                                                                                                            scholars to refine and complete     deity.' " From this, we know
                                                                ("Archaeological Relics Unearthed   3. Zhang Huaiguan compiled
                                                             During the Cultural Revolution "),     the three-volume Shuduan                them. When Emperor Wu of             that the figures were built after
                                                                                                    ("Opinions on Calligraphy");                                                the eighth month of the second
                                                                                  pi. 143.          see vol. 57, the "Arts and              the Chen succeeded to the           year of Shengui.
                                                                                                    Letters, Part 1," of the Xin            throne, he mostly adhered to
                                                  Fig. 7. See Zhongguo Jintongfo                    Tangshu ("New Tang History").                                                19. Luoyang work team of the
                                                                                                    He also compiled Huaduan                the Liang standards."
                                                            ("Gilded Bronze Buddhas in              ("Opinions on Paintings"); see                                               Institute ot Archaeology,
                                                                  China"), fig. 5, p. 236.          vol. 1 of Tuhua jianwen zhi             10. Geng Xin, "Lament for
                                                                                                    ("Notes on Pictures and                 Jiangnan," in Zhou shti ("H/ifory   Chinese Academy ot Social
                                                          Fig. 8. See Liuchao yishu ("Tlie          Paintings") by Guo Ruoxu of                                                 Sciences, "Brief Report on the
                                                                 Arts of the Six Dynasties"), fig.  the Northern Song dynasty.              of the Zhou"), vol. 41,             Excavation around the Base of
                                                                                                                                                                                the Northern Wei Yongning
                                                                                 163.               4. Xu Bangda,"Gu Kaizhis                "Biography of Geng Xin." Also       Temple Pagoda," Kaogu, 1981:3.
                                                                                                                                            "Biography of Baochang" in
                                                       Fig, g. See Dengxian caise                   'The Goddess of the Luo                 vol. 1 of Xu Gaoseng zhuan          20. The "Annals ofWenxiang"
                                                   huaxiang zhuanmu ("A Color-                      River'," in vol. 1 of Gushuhua          ("Sequel to Lives of Eminent        in vol. 3 of the Beiqishu
                                                      Painted Brich Tomb at Deng                    wei'e kaoshi ("Studies of Errata        Monks"): "For fifty-odd years,      ("History of the Northern
                                                                 County"), jig. 24.                 in Ancient Calligraphy and
                                                                                                                                            the south was uneventful."          Qi") notes that in the fourth
                                                                                                    Paintings"), 1984.                                                          year ofWuding (546),
                                                                                                                                            11. Vol. 90, Xin Tangshu ("New      "[Marquis] Jing's general, Cai
                                                                                                    5.Yao Qian et al, Liuchao yishu                                             Zundao, returned from the
                                                                                                    ("Arts of the Six Dynasties")           History of the Tang"):              north saying that Jing felt
                                                                                                    (1981), pp. 162-79.                     "Biography of Li Sizhen."
                                                                                                                                                                                repentant. The Prince
                                                                                                    6. In vol. 6 of the Lidai minghua       12. Vol. 190 of the Jiu Tangshu     (Wenxiang) believed this, and
                                                                                                    ji, this excerpt is rendered thus:      ("Old History of the Tang").        thought he could lure him
                                                                                                                                            "Diviners: Biography of Li
                                                                                                    "He goes to the limits of               Sizhen" notes that Sizhen           over, so he ignored Jing's letter.
                                                                                                    understanding and nature, and           compiled one volume each of         Jing had written,'. . . Nowadays
                                                                                                    there are no words to describe          "Books" and "Paintings."
                                                                                                                                            Chapters 1 and 3 respectively       in Liang, we were beckoned to
                                                                                                                                            of the "Bibliography" section in
                                                                                                                                            vols. 57 and 59 of the Xin          with every courtesy, given tiger
                                                                                                                                            Tangshu list separately

                                                                                                                                            "Addendum to Calligraphy"
                                                                                                                                            and "Addendum to Paintings."

                                                                                                                                            Vol. 1 of Notes on Drawings and
                                                                                                                                            Paintings mentions the
                                                                                                                                            Catalogue of Later Paintings
                                                                                                                                            compiled by Li Sizhen. In vol.
                                                                                                                                            3 of his Junzhai's Reading Notes,

                                                                                                                                            Chao Gongwu of the Southern
                                                                                                                                            Song writes of Sequel to Notes

                                                                                                                                            on Paintings in one volume by
                                                                                                                                            Li Sizhen (Yuanzhou edition),

                                                                                                                                            the extant edition now known

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