Page 145 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
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skins for blankets and urged to    and at the time had a higher        31. See n. 3.                        and taught craftsmen to carve
stay with fine cups. . . . Leave                                                                            the images of the Three Holies,
the dangerous for the safe, and    reputation than Dong and            32. Wu Daozi and Yang Huizhi
                                   Zhan"; "During the Zhou,                                                 the Jade Emperor, and Zhenwu
return now to the correct          Zheng Fashi was a Dadou             were regarded equally highly at      which are in the Zaocheng
ways; change disaster into good    Duzuo Yuamvai Shilang, a            the time. Vol. 212 of the Taiping
fortune, we have escaped the                                           guangji cites Tang Kangpings         Monastery at Huiqi. These all
                                   Jianzhong General, and was          Jutanlu thus: "There is a            display the greatest dignity and
net.* "This mention of the         given the fief of Changshe          Xuanyuan Monastery on Mt.            gentleness in their visages, and
correct ways refers to the Liang   county, and entering the Sui        Beimang of the Eastern capital.      their expression is one of
dynasty kingdom in southern        period he was made a Zhongsan       To the south of the monastery        natural ease as if they were
China.                              Datfu; his Images of the Northern  stands a temple to Laozi. Its
                                                                       buildings are tall and imposing,     human, such that all who saw
21. See Xu Guangji,                "DongQi . . . is still extant";     and overlook Yiluo. All of its
                                   Boren was from Ru'nan, and a        clay sculptures of the deities       them were awestruck. People
"Excavation and Studies of         man of many talents ....            were done by Yang Huizhi             of that prefecture call them
                                                                       during the Kaiyuan period.           treasures of wood. . . . Zhai felt
Large Tomb Murals of the            [During the Sui] he reached        They are extraordinarily well        that the old work was not well
                                   the positions of Guanglu Datfu      done and meticulous, and             done, and personally resculpted
Northern Dynasties at              and Dianzhong General. . . .                                             it. He captured the Rulai
Wanzhang in Ci County,                                                 everyone who sees them is            [Tathagata] Buddha's
Hebei," Wenwu, 1996:9; also the    Initially both Dong and Zhan        filled with admiration. The          compassion for the world and
Shanxi Provincial Institute of     were summoned together to                                                sympathy for the weak, and
Archaeology et al., "Brief                                             Wuwalls have paintings by            even if Dai Andao and Yang
Report on the Excavation of        the Sui Court, one from                                                  Huizhi were to be reborn, they
                                   Hebei, the other from southern      Daozi of the Five Sages and of       would have a hard rime
the Tomb of Lou Rui of the         China. Initially they were not      stories from Laozi. The              surpassing him." For more on
Northern Qi in Taiyuan,"           taken seriously, but later they     paintings are exquisite, and
                                   were rather well regarded.          have no peer either past or          Zhai Ruwen s life, see his
Wenwu, 1983:10.                    Dongs Emperor Ming of the
                                   Zhou Hunting is still extant";       present."                           biography in vol. 131 of the
22. See Beiqishu, vol. 4, "Annals  "Zhan Ziqian lived through                                               History of the Song (Song shu).
of Wenxuan"; vol. 48,              the Northern Qi, Zhou, and          33. At the end of his comments
"Relatives of the Empress:         Sui dynasties, and became           on Dai Kui, Zhang Yanyuan
Biography of Lou Rui"; and          Chaosan Daifu and Zhangnei         appends the following notes:
Beishi ("History of the            Doudu. His Tlie Later Ruler of      "See the Jinshu ['History of the
Northern Dynasties"), vol. 54,     the Northern Qi Visiting finyang    Jin*], Songshu ['History of the
"Biography of Lou Zhao, with                                            (Liu) Song'], and Kuibiezhuan
Appended Biography of His          weis still extant." From this,
                                   know that they were all famous      ['Biography of Kui'], Xu
Nephew Rui."                       during the Qi and Zhou.
                                                                        Guang's Jinji ['Record of the
23. See "Notes on the              28. The monk Zong is the            Jin'], Huigiji ['Record of the
                                   same person as the monk              Huiqi'], Guozi, Liu Yiqing's
Northern Qi Tomb of Lou            Yanzong, who compiled                Shishuo, and the Mingyanji by
Rui in Taiyuan," Wenwu,
                                   Hoithuaht ("Sequel to               Wang from Linchuan of the
1983:10.                           Catalogue of Paintings"). See        [Liu] Song dynasty."
                                    Tushu jianwenzhi, vol. 1, and
24. Lidai minghua ji, preface to   Junzhai dushuzhi, vol. 3, pt. 2.     34. At the end of his comments
vol. 8. Vol. 8 of the Lidai                                            on Dai Kui, Zhang Yanyuan
minghua ji further says about      29. According to part 3 of the      appends the following notes:
Yang Zihua: "Emperor Shizu          Yiwenzhi ("Bibliography")           "See the 'Biographies of
[Gao Zhan, of the Northern         section in vol. 59 of the Kin        Hermits' section in the Songshu
Qi| held him in high esteem,        Tangshu ("New Tang History"):       ['History of the (Liu) Song'],
and let him live in the palace.    "Pei Xiaoyuan wrote Huapin hi       and Wang Zhishen's Songji
                                   ["Ranked Catalogue of                ['Record of the (Liu) Song']."
He was known throughout the
                                   Paintings"] in one volume. He        35. At the end of his comments
land as the Divine Painter, and                                        on Jiang Shaoyou, Zhang
was forbidden to paint for         was a Zhongshu Sheren, and          Yanyuan appends the following
outsiders, except by imperial      recorded events of the               note: "See the Houweishu
edict. At the time there was a     Zhenguan and Xianqing                ['History of the Later Wei']."
prince named Chong Shan            periods."Vol. 1 of Tulnnt
whose chess-playing was            jianwen zhi ("Notes on               36. At the end of his comments
godlike, and the two of them        Drawings and Paintings") refers     on Tanmozhuoyi, Zhang
                                   to the work as Gongsihua In          Yanyuan appends the following
were known as the Two               ("Catalogue of Public and           notes: "See the Insights into the
                                   Private Paintings"). The extant
Ultimates."                        version is titled Zhenguan           Three Treasures?
                                   gongsihua sin ("History of the
25. Lidai minghua ji, vol. 2.       Public and Private Paintings of     37. There were also exceptions.
                                   the Zhenguan Period"). The
26. In Zhenguan gongsi hiialu       text in the extant version is      such as Zhai Ruwcn. who was
("A Record ot Paintings in          more detailed than the passage
Public and Private Collections      cited by Zhang, and reads,          [he Anfushi of both Zhiyue
in the Zhenguan Era [627-           "TheYans originally studied         Prefecture and Andong in
fi.SOJ"), Pei Xiaoyuan notes that   with Mr. Zhang, and can be          Zhejiang during the late
"after Yang Zihua, they are all     said to surpass their teacher. As   Northern Song. The
northern painters."The six          for drawing people and              "Inscription for Sir Zhai"
listed .liter Yang Zihua arc Cao    garments, soldiers, horses and      which is appended to the
Zhongda, I >oug Boren, Zheng        buildings, they have mastered       Zhonghuizi notes that R.uwen
Fashi.Yang Qidan, Zhan              the subtleties of both south and    "was conversant with painting,
Ziqian, and Sun Shangzi.            north."                             and had himself painted some
                                                                        sixty-odd scrolls, including
27. About [lie five artists         30. See Jin Weinuo,"Thc Dates       Heights of the linn Locales,
mentioned, vol. 8 of the Lidai      and Artists of Ancient Portraits
minghua fi makes the following      of Emperors," in Collected           Various Sages oj the Ten
comments on .ill other than                                             { Mmatcs, Ih, Nine Heavetu as
Yang Zihua: "Tian Zengliang         Essays on Chinese Art History.,
reached the official position of    198 1.                              ( »«e, I'hc lour Holy Men
Sangong Zhonglangjiang [during
the Qi],and entering the Zhou                                           Subduing the I kmotis, etc. . .
period he became a Changshi,                                            1 le was also .in expert sculptor,

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