Page 40 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 40

standards of taste set at court. In this exhibition the  Thus, the Shujing portrays the final Shang ruler as
exquisite objects from the tombs of the royal
consort Fu Hao, the marquis ofYi, the king of            a dissolute, sadistic king who had lost Heaven's
                                                         favor and the Zhou conquerors as just and noble
Zhongshan, and the First Emperor of Qin are the          warriors who had gained it. Kingly tendencies
most obvious examples of this. Even art not from         toward ostentation were judged harshly. The charges
royal tombs owes much to the technical advances
made by artists and artisans in the employ of rulers     against the last king of the Shang included spending
who demanded objects of the highest possible
quality and who could provide the material               too much on his personal enjoyment, taking
resources required. That rulers had resources at their
                                                         resources from the people to build "palaces, towers,
disposal is probably best explained in terms of          pavilions, embankments, ponds, and all other
political and economic history. But the way they         extravagances"; 2 kings were not, however, criticized
                                                         for commissioning lavishly decorated bronze vessels
chose to use those resources has much to do with         for use in sacrifices or for burial in graves, since
                                                         that was done for the ancestors.
conceptions of kingship.
                                                         To the contrary, bronze sacrificial vessels remained
The notion that properly there is only one supreme
                                                         an important symbol of lordship. Many early Zhou
ruler goes very far back in Chinese history. In the
                                                         vessels bear inscriptions showing they were
late Shang known from the excavations at Anyang          presented by the king to a lord to accompany the

(ca. 1200— I too bce), the king referred to himself as   Agranting of a fief. myth grew up about the

'"The One Man" or "The Unique One," and seems            "nine tripods" created by the founders of the Xia
                                                         dynasty. These tripods symbolically united the
to have operated on the assumption that he could         realm, as they were made of metal from the various
                                                         regions and decorated with images of animals
command the obedience of everyone in the realm.          from all over. They also were attuned to Heaven.

Above him, however, were powerful spirits,               When the ruler's virtue was commendable and

especially his own ancestors. He was the                 brilliant, the tripods would be heavy though small,
                                                         but when the ruler lacked virtue, they would be
intermediary between humankind and these
                                                         light even though large. When the Xia dynasty
whomcelestial powers,  he served through sacrifices
                                                         ended, it was believed, the tripods passed like royal
of animals and even human beings. In the most            regalia to the Shang rulers, then centuries later to

important cults the king acted as the head priest,       the Zhou rulers. 3

making the sacrifices and pronouncing the prayers.       Conceptions of the ruler as the pivotal figure in the

He expended much of the wealth at his disposal on        cosmos may well draw from very ancient ideas of
                                                         shaman-priests who intercede with celestial powers,
the performance of these rites, and the                  but by mid-Zhou times they were evolving in a

concentration of material resources in his hands was     text-centered tradition, fashioned by literate court
                                                         specialists to suit the needs of rulers, nobles, and the
justified on the basis of his priestly powers. That is,
                                                         ruling class more generally. From the eighth
he was the one best able to communicate with his         century on the Zhou kings progressively lost actual
                                                         power and regional lords grew stronger, but these
powerful ancestors through divination and                new circumstances did not lead to a new
                                                         cosmology that eliminated the need for a universal
influence them through sacrifices, and these             king. Rather it led to a profusion of ideas on how

ancestors were the best able to communicate with         best to recover or recreate a central monarchical
                                                         institution capable of bringing unity to a politically
the high god Di, and so for the welfare of the           divided world.

entire society it was essential that he have the         To Confucius (traditional dates 551—479 bce), the

material resources to perform the rites in the most      solution lay in getting rulers to act like true kings.

efficacious possible manner.                             He held up as examples Yao and Shun, the sage-

Sacrifices to ancestors and other divinities remained    kings of antiquity, as well as the more recent

central to kingship into the Zhou period                 founders of the Zhou dynasty, King Wen and King

(ca. 1100-256 bce), but the most important divinity      Wu. These true kings were antitheses of the selfish,

of the early Zhou was Heaven. Heaven, perhaps            aggressive, heavy-handed, vainglorious rulers of the
originating in a sky divinity, had by this time come
                                                         states of his day. The true king would honor the
to be conceived as something like the sacred moral
power of the cosmos. Just as there was only one          ancient ways and rule through ritual (//) and moral
Heaven, there could be only one true universal
king, the "Son of Heaven," uniquely qualified and        force (rfe). He would not overburden his people to
                                                         satisfy his own greedy desires for ostentatious
obliged to offer sacrifices to Heaven. The early
classic Shujing ("Book of Documents") portrays           display or incessant conquest. "If a ruler himself is
Heaven as taking a direct interest in the

performance of the king. If he neglected his sacred
duties and acted tyrannically, Heaven would display

its disfavor by sending down ominous portents and

natural disasters. If the king failed to heed such
warnings, political and social disorder would ensue,
signaling that Heaven had withdrawn its mandate.

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