Page 42 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 42

to him, Lord Shang (ShangYang, or Gongsun Yang;        physically and mentally free, able to wander freely
d. 338 bce) urged the ruler not to hesitate to         to the four corners of the universe and to live in
                                                       perfect unity with everything in the cosmos. 8
institute changes in his efforts to strengthen his
                                                       During the fourth and third centuries, as the
state. The founders of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou        smaller states (such as Zhongshan, prominent in the
had not been afraid to make changes, because "wise     exhibition) were eliminated by their larger
                                                       neighbors, the competition between the surviving
people create laws while ignorant ones are             states became even more intense. The state of Qin
controlled by them; the worthy alter the rites while
                                                       systematically eliminated the hereditary lords of the
the unworthy are held fast by them." Law to him        states it conquered, a policy that led to
                                                       unprecedented concentration of resources in the
was the sovereigns will, carefully codified and        hands of a single ruler, the king of Qin. Legalist

impartially applied.                                   ideology insists on rationality and efficiency as the
                                                       means to achieve and exercise authority; there is no
Han Feizi (d. 233 bce), author of the fullest          implication in the writings of Lord Shang or Han
                                                       Feizi that the ruler would be wise to spend freely
exposition of Legalist thought, argued that the        on luxuries in order to impress his subjects with his
Confucian notion of ruling through virtue rather       power. But Legalist ideology does not explicitly
than force was based on a faulty analogy with the      urge austerity on the ruler, or indeed set limits of
                                                       any sort on his actions, and the man to oversee the
family. "A mother loves her son twice as much as a     unification of China by Legalist means, the First
father does, but a fathers orders are ten times more   Emperor of Qin (Qin Shihuangdi, r. 246—210 bce)
effective than a mother's." Moreover, the common       (see cats. 88-92) did not set many limits on himself.
people have about as much understanding of what        Drawing together the resources of All-Under-
is good for them as infants who scream when their      Heaven made possible enormous construction
loving mothers lance their boils. The ruler who        projects. Although he already had several hundred
                                                       palaces and scenic towers, in 212 the emperor
taxes the people to fill granaries against times of    conscripted seven hundred thousand subjects to
                                                       build his tomb and a huge new palace complex,
famine or war should ignore their protests the way
the mother ignores the baby's wails. Rulers should     large enough to seat ten thousand people. Many of
even be wary of the advice of their top ministers.
Given subordinates' propensities to pursue then-       his palaces were connected by elevated walkways
own selfish interests, the ruler cannot afford to be
candid or warm toward any of them. Rather he           and walled roads so that the emperor could move
should keep them in awed ignorance of his              between them undetected.
intentions and control them by manipulating
                                                       Although he was rigorous in enforcing such
competition among them. "When the ruler trusts         Legalist policies as strict rewards and punishments,
                                                       the First Emperor of Qin was personally open to
someone, he falls under that person's control."''      non-Legalist ideas as well, including the more
                                                       grandiose conceptions of rulership conveyed by the
By Han Feizi's time ideas about the ruler were also    myth of the Yellow Emperor and cosmological
colored by myths about the Yellow Emperor              schemes that proved to him that the Qin ruled
                                                       through the power ofWater and thus was destined
(Huangdi), first of the sage-kings of high antiquity.  to succeed the Zhou, which had ruled through
                                                       Fire. This cosmological strain of thought drew on
Han Feizi at one point referred to the Yellow          very old ideas about the production of the myriad
Emperor summoning the ghosts and spirits to the        things through the workings of Yin and Yang. Yang,
top of Mount Tai, travelling there on a chariot        identified with the sun, Heaven, light, the male, the
                                                       assertive, and the changing, contrasts with Yin,
pulled by dragons, with tigers and wolves leading      identified with the moon, earth, darkness, female,
the way, ghosts and spirits following, lizards and
snakes below, a phoenix above. In the version of the   dampness, receptivity, and continuity. The
                                                       movement from Yin to Yang and back again
myth current in Han Feizi's day, the Yellow            corresponds to such phenomena as the daily
Emperor was notable above all for his military         changes in the position of the sun and moon and
might. He had overcome the Divine Husbandman           the yearly succession of the seasons. The theory of
(Shennong), who had introduced farming but shied       the Five Phases (earth, wood, metal, fire, water) is a
away from the use of arms. By teaching the bears,      much more complex system, which divides and
                                                       classifies the cosmos in both time and space on the
leopards, and tigers to fight for him, the Yellow
                                                       basis of equivalencies, resonances, and influences
Emperor had been able to conquer all those who         connecting cosmic principles, astral events, and

opposed him. In addition, the Yellow Emperor had
associations with rain and with dragons; some texts
say he had the face of a dragon and that dragons
appeared when he received Heaven's mandate. 7 The
later chapters of the Daoist text Zhuangzi present
the Yellow Emperor sometimes as an arrogant
conqueror, dangerous in the excess of his zeal for
bringing order to the world, sometimes as a
devoted disciple of the master Zhuangzi, listening
to teachings on longevity. Often he was identified
with the Daoist Sage, a being of immense powers,

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