Page 43 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 43

earthly phenomena, especially government. These        ancient times. 9 In their place he relied on men who
theories provided the basis for medicine, divination,
and the interpretation of dreams and portents.         were experts in the lore of the Yellow Emperor, the
Moreover, because they required searching for both     god Great Unity, and routes to immortality. In later
anomalies and regularities in the skies, the weather,  periods as well, Confucian scholars tended to
flora, and fauna, they fostered advances in            advocate austere textually-based "ancient" rituals
astronomical and calendrical calculation and in        while experts in the occult or later Daoist priests
                                                       choreographed elaborate ritual pageants more
natural history.
                                                       satisfying to many emperors.

The collapse of the Qin within a few years of the      To sum up, throughout the imperial period, the
death of the First Emperor led to the discrediting
of Legalism but not of other ideas on which Qin        production of luxury goods to be used in imperial
had drawn, such as the Five Phases cosmology or        palaces, temples, and tombs took place in a cultural
the myth of the Yellow Emperor, all of which in        context in which rulers were given all sorts of
Han times were drawn together into an ideological      advice. They were told to demonstrate their rank in
justification of imperial rule. Dong Zhongshu          everything they did but not to burden the people
(ca. 179—ca. 104 bce) wrote at length on the           through excessive extraction; they were told to
interconnections among Heaven, earth, and              model themselves on sage-kings whose attributes
                                                       ranged from the mild and temperate Yao to the all-
humanity. Among human beings, the ruler was            conquering Yellow Emperor; they were likened to
                                                       gods but also told to perform highly scripted roles
unique in his capacity to link the three. Moreover,    that left them little in the way of personal
using terms that echo Daoist and Legalist              discretion. Art produced for the court would have
                                                       resonated with these ideas in various ways.
conceptions, Dong described him as ruling through      Moreover, art produced for other sites often was
                                                       shaped by these discourses indirectly. In later
— —nonaction abstaining from administration to         centuries Buddhist and Daoist temples were often
                                                       modeled on palaces, and their deities on kings and
maintain his exalted status. The Record oj Ritual,     queens. Thus, ways ot decorating temples and
dating from the early Han, draws on earlier texts      depicting deities participated in the discourse on
                                                       rulership. Art that was distinctly nonimpenal also, of
like the Liishi clumqiu to depict the ideal ruler as
                                                       course, drew from this discourse. Scholars who
one who coordinates the activities of his state with
                                                       identified with the Confucian critique of imperial
the forces of nature, analyzed in terms ofYin and      extravagance had to choose a more austere style for
Yang and the Five Phases. His movements had to
be in tune with ritually demarked times and places.    their own homes and gardens.
In the first month of the year, for instance, the Son
of Heaven lives in the apartments on the left side of  MOUNTAINS
the Green Bright Hall, rides in a chariot with         Depictions of mountains were very common in
green pennants drawn by dark green dragon horses,
wears green robes and pendants of green jade. Also     Chinese art from the late Warring States period on,

in that month no trees may be cut down and no          and there are many examples in the exhibition
people may be summoned for any service, nor may
                                                       (cats. 50, 51 [reverse], 153, 186, 189, 192-95, 200,
arms be taken up.
                                                       204—9,                   I0  Mountains  share  some  of the  aura  of
Although Confucian scholars claimed to be experts
in the traditional texts on ritual, they were not the          212).
only ones designing the rituals that would keep the
ruler in harmony with the Five Phases. Rituals         kings. Kings sacrifice to mountains. The sage-king
designed on the basis of ancient texts by Confucian
                                                       Shun, the Book of Documents reports, regularly
scholars who held secular views of ritual were         sacrificed to the mountains from afar, and once

always in danger of becoming mere social               every five years made a journey to each region of
ceremonies, useful for creating and confirming
social distinctions, but unable to touch people in     the empire, making burnt offerings to Heaven at
powerful ways. As a consequence, Confucian             the sacred mountains Tai in the east, Heng in the
scholars were not able to monopolize the design of     south, Hua in the west, Heng in the north, and
court rituals, and many rulers were receptive to
                                                       Songgao in the center. Mountains were also like
men who claimed alternative ways to tap into
                                                       Ymgrulers, rich in           power, lowering above the
cosmic powers. In 110 bce, when Emperor Wu of
                                                       ordinary, linking the lowly to the heavens. The
the Han dynasty journeyed to Mount Tai to
                                                       death of .1 ruler was euphemistically called the
perform thefeng and shan sacrifices, he dismissed
the Confucian scholars because they "insisted on       collapse of a mountain. "Great and lofty 1-- the
confining themselves to what was written in the
 Odes and Documents and other old books" and           mountain/ With its might reaching 10 I leaven,"
objected to sacrificial vessels the emperor had made   read the first two lines in a poem in the Classii el
because they were not the same as the ones used in
                                                       Poetry (poem 259).

                                                       Many ideas about mountains undoubtedly derived

                                                       from folk traditions about particular local
                                                       mountains and the deities or ere. nines thai

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