Page 24 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 24


                                                                                                                     PROPERTY FROM THE HEI-CHI COLLECTION
                                                                                                                     A YELLOWISH-CELADON JADE AXE
                                                                                                                     NEOLITHIC PERIOD, NORTHEAST CHINA
                                                                                                                     of generous proportions, one side gently tapering to the
                                                                                                                     rounded lower edge, the reverse comparatively flat, one edge
                                                                                                                     with a tool mark, the smoothly polished yellowish-celadon
                                                                                                                     stone with brown inclusions and patches
                                                                                                                     22.8 cm, 9 in.

                                                                                                                     Jiang Tao and Liu Yunhui, Jades from Hei-Chi Collection II,
                                                                                                                     Beijing, 2012, p. 22 bottom.

                                                                                                                     HK$ 200,000-300,000
                                                                                                                     US$ 25,800-38,700

                                                                                                                     新石器時代東北地區   青黃玉斧
          8                                                                                                          22下

          PROPERTY FROM THE HEI-CHI COLLECTION       商末   黃玉獸首
          A SMALL YELLOW JADE ANIMAL HEAD                                                                            See two jade axes of comparable form and size excavated from
          LATE SHANG DYNASTY                         出版:                                                             Inner Mongolia, attributed to the Hongshan culture, published
                                                     姜濤及劉雲輝,《熙墀藏玉續》,北京,2012年,頁39                                     in The Complete Collection of Jades Unearthed in China, vol.
          skilfully worked with a subtle ridge to depict the snout, the                                              2: Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Beijing, 2005,
          tip picked out with two nostrils, the reverse further rendered                                             pls 42-43; and another in the National Palace Museum, Taipei,
          with two curved incised lines flanking the aperture, the warm                                              included in Art in Quest of Heaven and Truth Chinese Jades
          greenish-yellow stone with light russet inclusions                                                         through the Ages, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2011, pl. 4-3-
          4.2 cm, 1½ in.                                                                                             1, together with a line drawing illustrating how this type of axes
                                                                                                                     could have been used by holding the narrower end by hand.
          Jiang Tao and Liu Yunhui, Jades from Hei-Chi Collection II,                                                比較內蒙古出土紅山文化玉斧,器形及尺寸與此相
          Beijing, 2012, p. 39.                                                                                      類,圖見《中國出土玉器全集》,卷2:內蒙古、遼
          HK$ 200,000-300,000                                                                                        參考台北故宮藏玉斧,收錄在《敬天格物:中國歷代
          US$ 25,800-38,700
          The production of small jade animal carvings blossomed in   商代晚期,興製如斯小巧之肖生玉雕,羅森認為商末
          the late Shang period around the time of Fu Hao (c. 1200 BC).   動物玉雕造型,與青銅相類,尤其是江西大洋洲所出
          These carvings could have been inspired by bronzes, especially   之器,極有機會受其啟發(詳見羅森,《Chinese  Jade:
          those with exotic zoomorphic motifs from Dayangzhou in
          Jiangxi (see Jessica Rawson, Chinese Jade: From the Neolithic   From  the  Neolithic  to  the  Qing》,倫敦,1995年,頁
          to the Qing, London, 1995, pp. 205-208). The facial features   205-208)。此玉獸首,臉龐瘦削,雙角內彎,揚眉臣
          and the incised details of the present carving indicate indeed   目,立體生動。其臉相細節與商朝青銅紋飾風格異曲
          a stronger relationship with Shang dynasty bronzes than with   同工。
          Neolithic precedents.
          Compare two related jade carvings excavated from Xiaotun,   類同玉雕獸首珮,可參考安陽小屯墓葬出土例,展
          Anyang, and exhibited in King Wu Ding and Lady Hao: Art   於《武丁與婦好:殷商盛世文化藝術特展》,台
          and Culture of the Late Shang Dynasty, Taipei, 2011, p. 189, a
          celadon jade ornament for the handle of an arrow case, and p.   北,2011年,頁189,青白玉獸面箭箙鋬飾,以及頁
          196, a set of horse bridle ornaments including two jade animal   196,一串扇貝玉馬羈飾中繫有青玉牛首和青白玉獸首
          masks. See also two jade ‘animal head’ carvings illustrated in   珮。其他商朝獸首玉珮,可參考羅森,前述出處,編
          Jessica Rawson, op.cit., nos 12:16-12:17. The former, probably   號12:16-12:17。前者採玉琮一角改製,同飾內彎雙角,
          reworked from a section of a cong, is similarly decorated with   目呈臣字,風格接近青銅紋飾,但綴有出廓凸棱。
          features reminiscent of Shang bronzes, but with protruding
          flanges on either side.
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